[quote=HylianRose] [hider=Words of The Shunned One]I'm a cat person...-cowers in the corner-[/HIDER] [/quote] Shun the cat lover... Kidding. I've just had bad experiences with cats. For example, the first time I held one, it kinda just... sank the tip of its claw into my chest. To sum up my proceeding reaction, I'll throw it in a hider, for eyesight's sake: [hider=My reaction][img]http://i.imgur.com/5rcUnYh.jpg[/img](Most definitely did not just edit this and originally forgot the brackets)[/HIDER] And perhaps the guidance counselor could catch sight of Danny, since a student with his condition would frequent a person of your char's profession. Edit: Just wait until Leo's post is up, wouldn't want any conflictions.