"I do all kinds of things without knowing a damn thing. That's how I wound up with a robot that smokes and loves fighting people." Jurgen retorted. This guy was an interesting character, raging one minute and cheerfully curious the next. Then, of course, Eve got upset for being ignored. That shocked the barkeeper, who then complimented Eve's brain chip. "You haven't seen what she can do yet." he offered, "I doubt she'd walk away from me, and I doubt even more than anything less than an army could rip the brain chip out of her. The two million someone might make from it wouldn't pay off half of what they'd spend to get it." That might have been a bit of an overstatement, but hyping Eve was what they were all about, right? Of course, Eve was still upset she was being ignored. She calmed down before Jurgen really had to get involved, though, and the three of them headed over to the bar, where they got free drinks as compensation for their difficulties. Gerald asked if they were looking for work as bounty hunters, and Jurgen shrugged. "It's nice to meet you, Gerald. My name's Jurgen. Eve here just wants to fight people, and I am looking to make a fair bit of money as quickly as possible. If you know about a bounty she can fight, that's worth a fair bit, lay it on us." he figured that would be a good start. If bounty hunting was all the holo-networks cracked it up to be, they could make a fair bit off of a single score. It was just a matter of getting that one score. Not a whole lot of people were worth a whole lot of money, at least not to the justice system. And most of the people that were worth a lot, were too dangerous to both with. "For now, we're getting into the pro fighting scene." He added as Eve started smoking. He shifted his chair away from the android just a little, making his displeasure with her habit obvious. "We've got a couple of fights scheduled, and we're hoping to make a fair bit when we win." the cyborg explained, silently picking out a rum, and a cola to mix it with. "That being said, money is money, and the rent doesn't pay itself. If you know how to make more, I'm all ears." the cyborg figured that a bounty hunting job could go pretty well. Maybe they could nab some bureaucrat for tax evasion or something, and make some fat stacks turning him in. Or, with some planning, they could just knock over a rich neighborhood and pawn whatever they wound up with. That wouldn't pay as well, but like he had said, the rent didn't pay itself, and while it was paid for a while, he still needed to eat, and there would doubtless be emergency expenses. Money would need to be spent, so the more he had, the better...