[quote=RoadRash] My friend has a little girl named Remington. Remi for short.That's Oklahoma for you hahaha.The friend herself, on the other hand, is Irish.Dierdre Maire O'Connor. That's a whole pint of Irish right there. [/quote] Wow, that does seem rather regional. But Remi is pretty. Remington and Colt. Hmm, what are some other gun names/potential kid names? I'm fairly certain my Brother's frustration over a delayed gun permit may have been part of the motivation in naming his boy. And as predicted my double IC post. [quote=idlehands] Someone inject caffeine into my eyes. [/quote] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8rXM338FDCk/S8ceVhzWAvI/AAAAAAAAA3s/1dnXuvANAfw/s640/Coffee+Jello+1.jpg[/img] Not an eye injection but a oddly addicting way to caffeinate- Vietnamese Coffee Jello. I am not to be trusted around this stuff!