Okay, so, I realized the distinct lack of .hack rp's on the internet. (I've only ever been in one in five and a half years of role-playing) So, here's my attempt at running one. Since my knowledge of .hack is lackluster, (I've only watched Sign, and the last time I watched that was ten years ago) this rp will be completely divorced from the .hack canon. ------------------------------------ Earth - 2014 "The World" is the most popular online game on the planet with over 30 million registered players and 100,000 new players signing up every month. The World is presented as an online fantasy game where anything and everything you can imagine is possible. It's also one of the first games to introduce complete virtual immersion. You don't play The World, you experience The World... Soon, you will be thrust into a series of events to save not the world, or "The World", but yourselves. The venue is digital, but the pain, the death, and the danger you face will be very real. Welcome to The World. Good luck. The Rules I don't feel a need to reiterate the basics of rp conduct, but I have a couple of rules and regulations that you should be aware of. First of all, this rp will feature a very simple stat system. I want the focus to be on role-playing and not "roll-playing," but I feel we need an impartial arbiter to govern combat. Secondly, this rp will be decently fast-paced. Therefore, I would like for everyone to aim for at least a post every other day. Lastly, I reserve the right to change the rules at any time. Character Sheet Name: Display Name: (Your name in The World) Age: Gender: Class: [See Appendix A] Stats: [See Appendix B] Attack (ATK) - Defense (DEF) - Evasion (EVA) - Hit (HIT) - Equipment: (See Appendix B for starting equipment. Additionally, everyone starts with 50gp) Real Life Appearance: [Picture or Description] Character Appearance: [Picture or Description] Personality: [Optional] History: [Optional] My Character Name: Cyrus Rampart Display Name: C-Rin (His friends call him Rin) Age: 17 Gender: Male Class: Bladedancer Stats: Attack (ATK) - +1 Defense (DEF) - +1 Evasion (EVA) - +3 Hit (HIT) - +1 Equipment: Training Rapier (+1 Hit), Rusty Off-Hand Dagger (+1 ATK), 50gp Real Life Appearance: [hider=Real Life] [URL=http://s1100.photobucket.com/user/Respectable_Cheese/media/MyStyle1_zps5aee7879.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/g401/Respectable_Cheese/MyStyle1_zps5aee7879.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] Character Appearance: [hider=Character] [URL=http://s1100.photobucket.com/user/Respectable_Cheese/media/MyStyle2_zpsb086ff25.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/g401/Respectable_Cheese/MyStyle2_zpsb086ff25.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] Personality: [Optional] History: [Optional] Appendix A: Classes Your class determines your starting skills, equipment, and primary stats. Fighter Classes Swordsman Main Battle Role: Damage Primary Attribute: ATK Starting Stats ATK: 3 DEF: 0 EVA: 0 HIT: 1 Starting Equipment: Basic Longsword (+1 ATK), Rusty Parrying Dagger (+1 DEF) Archer Main Battle Role: Damage Primary Attribute: HIT Starting Stats ATK: 1 DEF: 0 EVA: 0 HIT: 3 Starting Equipment: Training Bow (+1 Hit), Arrows x30 Knight Main Battle Role: Support Primary Attribute: DEF Starting Stats ATK: 0 DEF: 3 EVA: 0 HIT: 1 Starting Equipment: Basic Longsword (+1 ATK), Dented Shield (+1 DEF) Rogue Classes Bladedancer Main Battle Role: Damage Primary Attribute: HIT Starting Stats ATK: 0 DEF: 0 EVA: 1 HIT: 3 Starting Equipment: Training Rapier (+1 Hit), Rusty Off-Hand Dagger (+1 ATK) Thief Main Battle Role: Support Primary Attribute: EVA Starting Stats ATK: 0 DEF: 1 EVA: 3 HIT: 0 Starting Equipment: Rusty Dagger (+1 ATK), Dented Buckler (+1 DEF) Infiltrator Main Battle Role: Support Primary Attribute: EVA Starting Stats ATK: 1 DEF: 0 EVA: 3 HIT: 0 Starting Equipment: Hand Crossbow (Hit +1) Mage Classes Sage Main Battle Role: Damage Primary Attribute: ATK Starting Stats ATK: 3 DEF: 0 EVA: 0 HIT: 1 Starting Equipment: Gnarled Staff (+1 DEF) Priest Main Battle Role: Support Primary Attribute: DEF Starting Stats ATK: 0 DEF: 3 EVA: 1 HIT: 0 Starting Equipment: Dented Holy Symbol (+1 EVA) Appendix B: Stats Attack (ATK) - Determines damage. Defense (DEF) - Determines resistence to damage. Evasion (EVA) - Determines liklihood of evading an enemy attack. Hit (HIT) - Determines liklihood of your attack hitting. When attacking an enemy in combat, I, the GM, will compare your HIT to the enemy's EVA. If you meet or exceed the enemy's EVA, your attack hits. I then compare your ATK to the enemy's DEF. Your ATK will be subtracted from the enemy's DEF and that will be your resulting damage. (The math will be included at the bottom of my post for those who are curious.) This requires no effort on your part. ^^