The barkeep grinned. This bar was, in fact, also a hub for bounty hunters. If he could convince a new one to sign up after the trial period, it would also mean more money for his bar. "First I'll explain how bounty hunting works. It's actually pretty simple. All you have to do is sign up for the trial period of one contract. You get a card to identify yourself as a bounty hunter. After the trial contract ends you're free to hand in the card, or join up for real." As he spoke the man worked on getting Jurgen his drink as well. "You get bounties through hubs. This bar just so happens to be one. The hub gets 10% of the bounty - their laws, not mine - and you get the rest in the form of a credit card." He put the drink in front of Jurgen and smiled. "Now, as for a bounty. How does 2500 credits sound? That's 2000 bucks for you. The contract is to kill a man that has been stealing people's implants to sell on the black market. He's caused two deaths already. I think it's the best contract I currently have for a newbie. That is, if your drio-- Eve is as good as you say." In the mean time Eve had taken a few more sips from her drink, while listening to what Gerald had to say. She liked the sound of this bounty. You weren't just some weakling when you could subdue people with implants. The killing part was a bit gruesome in her mind, but hey it was a murderer they were after, after all. But that wasn't the only thing on her mind. This drink was...weird, in a good way. Androids weren't supposed to be able to get drunk or anything like that. But she did start to feel a bit more...relaxed? And there was this weird, pleasant tingly sensation she could feel as well. "Tingly..." She mused, looking at Gerald. "What's this drink?" The barkeep turned to her. "This is my own invention. I used to be a bounty hunter with an android, see. And I ended up with this drink in the end." That hardly explained anything... But Eve was fine with it, as if it was harmful to her she would have noticed by now. And then Gerald went back to Jurgen again. Quite the energetic guy. Or maybe a short attention span. "So, how about it? Want to do a trial contract?"