Galina seemed quite content to sit in the role of 'teacher from the west', patient as a statue before the eyes of her admirers. And admirers they were. Raigo had to have been teaching her daily to instruct her, motion by slightest motion, the subtleties of the tea ceremony, and yet even he seemed impressed as she passed the Clan head his own cup. Ai was easier to read, the lady too often away from the Takahiro compound, living her work with the nobility of the capital. No one would have been allowed to serve in Raigo's stead unless they were fully prepared to honor the task, but knowing and witnessing were two different matters. Souma's sister smiled wide and easy, nodding in appreciation as she received her cup as well, following the motion with a knowing glance toward her brother. Souma had to admit, it was a wonderful scene. But a scene was all it was. An act, a [i]play[/i], robbed of the genuine ceremony that was supposed to be present. The Takahiro heir flashed his sister a brief smile in return, drinking from his returned cup as he tried his best to savor the contents. It... was good. Very good, in fact, Galina could never be faulted for not committing wholly to her task. That was what had led him to fail his mission at the Winchester estate in the first place, hadn't it? The fact that she had done nothing to spur his suspicion, up to the point where it no longer mattered. Not that he had the luxury of complacency now... or even the capability for it. Galina's face was etched within his mind as one of an opponent. Her skill outmatched that of his own prized agents, and it would be foolish to believe she was the only member of her household who worked from the shadows. She hadn't stepped foot upon American soil since he left her on the [i]Empress[/i]. He hadn't found hint or sight of her agents before he left for home... but that no longer carried the sense of satisfaction it should have. Of course she had taken advantage of his message. If nothing else, it gave Souma new appreciation for her abilities, one who stood rival to his own. Which was something he would have to address. Before the damage was worsened. Perhaps it was the tea, or simply being able to speak with his family again, but Souma found it easier to resist the urge to slit Galina's throat here and now. There was time, he remembered. Time to find the right place, the right scenario. Possibly quite soon, but not now. At the least, not right now. "Good to be home, Son?" Raigo's voice brought Souma's gaze up to meet his father's, a contented smile growing on his lips as he did. Despite Galina's presence, it wasn't hard to answer the question. "Very, father." "Long travel, must be tired, yes?" Ai's grin made it more than clear the intent behind those words, as if one couldn't catch it before. "Father, we should let rest, yes?" "We should." Raigo was about as transparent, though Souma found it hard not to forgive them both. This was supposed to be a time where masks could be lowered, of course, one of the few moments of respite where family could speak as family. The Takahiro head rose slowly, placing an empty cup before the mat where he had sat. Ai followed him, including in her motions a slight bow towards both her father and brother, in that order. Still seated, Souma bowed to Raigo, then Ai, watching as they moved to leave before rising himself. He lowered his own empty mug to place before his mat, turning finally to Galina by his right. "It has been long, since I was here." He spoke calmly, gesturing towards the screen behind her, that would open to the outside. "I would like to walk some. Would you join... ...Galina Demidova?"