Name: Sutoraiki Kaminari Age: 18 Appearence: [Url=]Living up to the family name? [/url] Ignore the most of the police crap on him. He only has a normal blue shirt, with a black undershirt, a neck tie, and pants. This is usually what he is wearing when he isn't wearing a school uniform. Arcana: Emperor Personality: A calm and collected individual who is more known for his family's rep. He decided to try to follow what he thought he loved to do the most - Detective Work. He is an avid fan of Murder Mystery novels, and often wants to jabber about them as much as possible. Thankfully he keeps that swelling feeling inside of him, and remains serious, even when talking with others. Although he is a calm and collected indivual, he can often sometimes become... Rather panicky when pressured. This is made worse when his father expects him to live up to his family's name, and its now causing him to rethink his options. Despite his nervousness, he has a rather big heart, and is willing to talk it out with almost anyone. Equipment/Skills: He has basic police training thanks to his dad, and is one of the more athletic students in the school. He also has had some Kendo training. Equipment - Stun Baton. Background: Kami was born to a long line of detectives, officers, you name it, and was expected to live up to his family's name. Although he finds this to be a lot of pressure, he enjoyed solving the crimes in the books his father bought, gradually growing his interest in the "family business." He went through his whole life, preparing for the moment he would become and investigator. He made a few friends, but he sometimes contacts them to see how they're doing. The boy has recently began helping his father with one of his newest cases though. He was recently beckoned by his father to help him out with his newest case - the teenagers and some random cult. He thought it would be easy, he thought it would eventually blow over... But after actually doing some investigating, he is feeling the pressure on his back pushing him down. He doesn't want to disgrace his family name, but the case isn't going anywhere. The panic of this case could be getting to him, as he is begining to have strange dreams each night. He wonders what it could all mean with the blue room, the weird old dude, and that hot chick he saw every night in his dreams. He has also recently turned 18 (in the roleplay). Persona: Zeus Appearance: [Url=]Should of made his Persona look like He-Man for the lolz :P[/url] Abilities: Zio: Deal a small amount of electricity damage to an enemy. Arm Chopper: Deal a small amount of physical damage to an enemy, with a chance of causing fear.