Name: Kato Usagi Age: 18 Appearance: [img][/img] Arcana: XIV Temperance Personality: A spacey and excitable young man whose in his final year of high school, barely scrapping by due to him being Narcoleptic. For the few half hours he's wide awake he is cheerful and kind and also speaks very carefree and often changing topics mid-sentence. But he becomes irritable and grumpy when he's about to fall asleep, and he passes out from any time from five minutes to two hours. Often waking up confused and still sleepy for a few minutes then he back to normal. For school and life he tries his best but he fears all his hard work will be naught as he feels his narcolepsy will take over his life. He's also very carious and likes to know the truth in stuff around him, going as far as he can to figure stuff out, but he knows his limits. When he's about to sleep he has a dark sense of humour. But also seems to carry a sense of duty when he talks seriously almost like a completely different person when duty calls or if he can help somebody in need. Equipment/Skills: decent runner but had to quit track and field due to his narcolepsy, clever when he's wide awake, taught first aid from his nurse mother. Background: His life before was average before he turned 12, he slept normally and have normal parents and a older sister. But when he turned 13 his life started to become a mess. He started to sleep in at mornings and miss school and when he did make it to class he slept though almost every single class and test. Often failing them and being the laughing stock of the classroom bullies. But the bullies didn't last long as his sister often black mailed them to leave him alone, but he was none the wiser and he just thought they moved onto somebody else. But he decided to do his best to not sleep all the time, but the older he got the harder this gets to do. His sleeping spells went from every three to four now to every hour or two. He was sent to a doctor in his second year of high school, which he was diagnosed with Narcolepsy which was obvious to everybody. His parents didn't know what to do or say so they often ignored it or leave him be when he sleeps. But his sister wouldn't have it, she did everything in her power to help him no matter if it was homework or how he feels about his sleeping habits and even trying to wake him up every morning to go to school. His sister was the only reason he even passed third year. But something happen much to the family horror. The supposed personality shift that been affect teens has infected her. The once clever and gentle young woman has became cold as winter and cruel to her family and friends. Because they couldn't handle her new shift in personality their parents sent her away to live by herself. Kato was devastated by this, he vowed to know why that happened to her and if he can reverse this shift, or at least stop it from infecting anyone else. Persona: Hypnos Appearance: [img][/img] Abilities: Dia, Bufu