The two Ice Demons standing guard outside where the first to arrive, since they where the closest. And it was with these that Emily first felt the Fire of the Spirit. It was a different flame to her own, not just smoke and ash but also warmth and light, as if Emily had been utilizing a lesser variant of what Fire was meant to be before this point. It was breath-taking to her, like a blind man suddenly seeing for the first time. Of course, the Ice Demons didn't seem to appreciate the artistry of it quite as much as Emily, but the reason for that could be that they where being burnt to death by it at the time. Of course, their screams drew more of the Warlord's Demons, who wasted no time charging the small girl, and being incinerated by gouts of fire from her palms. "Seems you where not in a good condition when you summoned me. Your own energy is nearing spent completely. Soon you will be feeding off me entirely" The Spirit warned, in a caring tone. "So long as I can extrude my authority over these Horfrosted bastards before I conk out, then I will have somewhere to rest" she replied, swiftly concentrating her fire into a small point on her finger, and blowing a hole in one of the demon's craniums with a laser-esque shot of fire. She was tiring quickly again, but the demons where also slowing. It seemed that while vicious and brutal if they had the upper-hand, they where cowardly if faced with a superior foe, putting their own existence before honour or dignity. And so Emily didn't need to kill more than half a dozen before the creatures stopped entirely, a aura of fear emitting from them. It was only then that Emily stopped. "So, you recognize my power. Good. Leave this castle, and exist within the grounds only, or you shall feel my wrath" she exclaimed, before heading to the throne, and drawing one final rune around it. This was not a rune that activated immediately, but rather would be activated in the proximity of anyone that the caster deemed a threat - in this case, anything that moved - and so was, for now, just a mere drawing. With her early warning done, she climbed onto the throne, it's chill fighting with the Spirit's Natural Warmth, and closed her eyes, looking to rest and regain her power.