[b]Piers and Sapphire[/b] Piers acknowledged the girl outstretching her hand but refused to shake it. "Hey instead of trying to get someone important, you guys can just sleep in my tent. I wasn't planning on using it tonight anyways. I wasn't planning on sleeping. Deciding to wander off, he looked out into the woods, hoping to find some small creatures. Piers wandered into the forest, delighted to find an abundance of wildlife. Sapphire had woken up rather early to suit to her curious needs. She'd been out all day in the forest doing Naga knows what. She wasn't even finished with her fun when she, finally, happene to notice the diminishing sun and the inky dark that began to suuround her. Sighing, the girl looked down from her branchy seat, contemplating whether or not she should head back to camp or not. "I mean, this is probably the best place to watch the fireworks," she mumbled quite loudly to herself, certainly audible within earshot. Piers wandered deeper into the forest, a newly found bird flapping around his head and landing on his shoulder like a miniature hawk. Looking for the right tree, Piers started up, quickly moving up the trunk, from branch to branch, limb to limb. he went higher and higher, and felt as free as he ever would. His hand outstretched to reach the next branch, but it seemed as if there was already someone there. In a moment of surprise, Piers let out a yelp and let go, falling down before stretching out a hand to grab a branch on his way down. "Woah!" Sapphire exclaimed, not expecting anyone to be here. "H-hey, are you ok? Whoever you are...?!" she called out to the murky figure she could barely see since the leaves were blocking out what little moonlight was appearing. She cautiously made her way down the tree until she was face to face to the other. Squinting, the person's face seemed somewhat familiar. "Hey, have I seen you before?!" she asked, a bit surprised, forgetting the fear that had slowly crept into her mind. Piers swung himself up to the tree branch, trying to scoot away from Sapphire, who seemed to not know who he was. It was natural though, no one really talked to him or knew who he was, except for at most Margaret's brother. "Y...you kinda might, yeah. I kind of travel with you guys. I'm in Sacred Blade as well." Nervous, Piers looked around for an escape. The girl thought to herself for a brief moment. "Yeah...you're...P...you're Piers, no~?!" she asked with excitement, wondering if she was right or not. She usually got excited about nothing, so, naturally, Saapphire beamed with delight whilst waiting for a response. "Um, I am. I.. think I might know your name as well. But for safety, let's continue this conversation on the ground please." Piers hopped down to the ground, sliding down the trunk of the tree, prepared to act if anything were to happen. "Aw...I guess I can watch the fireworks on a hilly field. Hey, do you wanna watch them with me...?" She carefully climbed down the tree, holding on tightly to the bark. With her two feet firmly set on the grassy land, Sapphire turned towards the other. "What do ya say..?" Piers was taken aback. Some person who, while in the same mercenary group as he, barely knew who he was was just asking him casually to do something. "Sure." was piers only word for his response. The kitten had woken up and was peeking out from his shirt, but before it could see much, Piers shoved it back down into where it came from. "Where do we go to watch them?" Sapphire was delighted to hear that she had someone to come along with her. It was much better than going alone. "On a hilly field, silly~ C'mon, I'll lead the way," she stated, giggling a bit before slowly, and carefully, making her way through the thick forest and out into a grassy clearing. Pointing to a hill not too far from where she stood, she glanced behind her to have a better look at Piers. "It's just over there." Piers followed behind her slowly looking for any moment to slip away without hurting her feelings. Looking out over the distance, Piers noted the hill that Sapphire was mentioning,it was a big hill for sure. "Well, I guess I...have no choice but to go now." "It'll be fun, I promise~" She trotted towards the hill in a nonchalant manner, constantly gazing up at the sky to make sure she didn't miss anything (which was obvious she didn't since the skies were still clear). Plopping down by the tree which grew atop said hill, Sapphire motioned for the other to sit by her. "It's not as good of a view as sitting in a tree, but it's still a good view," she added, answering a question that was never asked. Following her example, Piers sat down, bringing his knees up to his chest and placing his head on top of them. "If you say so. I prefer when i'm sitting alone, but I guess this is fine too." Looking in the sky Piers turned his head and asked Sapphire a simple question. "So when do these fireworks start?" Sapphire peered over the trees, towards the illuminated, yet miniscule, city. "Any moment now," she cooed, her excitement slowly building up. Shortly after speaking, three little sparks suddenly zipped through the dark sky, brightening it up after exploding into millions of even more little sparks. The teal haired girl's eyes widened. It'd been awhile since she'd last seen fireworks, it felt comforting to watch them decorate the sky once more. While Sapphire was enjoying the fireworks, Piers looked around. seeing the camp from far away, he slipped away, leaving nothing but the kitten in his place, it's mewling a replacement for his silence. Staring at what appeared to be her most favorite firework of the night (so far), Sapphire turned to face what she thought would be Piers but instead found a cat in his place; he wasn't anywhere in sight. "Ah...I should be used to being left alone by now, right, little kitty?" she said with a sigh, returning her attention to the lit up sky. There was this nagging sadness growing inside her and no matter how hard she tried to keep it at bay, it was still there. Not so long after, a groan escaped her lips and she got herself up to her feet, suddenly not interested in fireworks anymore, glumly making her way back to the camp with an unusual solemn expression on her petite face.