Uh... Venatrix.. how many characters are you going to field throughout all this?
VenatrixXII said
Just four, like I said. I posted Max up for Imp. :P No worries, I'm putting them all in one post. One more to go, but I'm running out of time! Wish there were more hours in a day... I have to go to the store and then get stuff ready for work, etc.
VenatrixXII said
Halfway done through my IC post, I'll try getting it up by today, if not tomorrow.
VenatrixXII said
I'll be busy for the rest of the week as well... Should I postpone until next week? What do the rest of you want?
PrimezTime said
Yo Vena, I probably won't add a new character in light of your flux of new characters.
PrimezTime said