It was one of those days. It droned on and on, as The Prism shuffled among the deserted ruins of the Broken Center It wasn't often that they came up here, but it was feeling that a change of pace from the dark dingy atmosphere of the Lower City was a bit overdue. It's white cloak fluttered in the breeze, as the hood covered it's face, save for the strands of silvery blue hair which streamed like wisps in the wind. A sigh drifted lightly from it's lips, and the faint glowing behind the bandages on it's right eye pulsed. "Nothing peop-wait," It shot a glance behind itself, around itself, even above and below. "No people...which is a good thing." Priz sighed again, a melodious hum to it's voice, extending it's claws just a bit so it could climb a nearby, distorted building. After securing a better view, it could now see the groups of people scattered about, plumes of smoke rising from various areas of the city. Priz wished, if only for a moment, it could join them. But how would it act? How would it fit in? Such things were lost in what felt like a shattered mess in it's head. Priz sat down, cross-legged, and stared at the sky. The thin clouds rolled by as usual, and Priz conjured up the cold energy with itself to summon up a snow ball, and roll it around on the roof. Aside from running all of the time, he didn't have much in the way of entertainment. It was usually too frazzled for such a thing. It's orange eyes smiled a bit, before quickly shooting around for another quick inspection. A little relaxing was nice... Of course, such moment are as brief as they are pleasant. Without warning, the ground shook and the air howled with a fierce chime, as light erupted into the sky, not too far from Priz's location. It covered it's remaining ear, gritting it's teeth at the sound. After it had subsided, Priz looked on in uncertainty. Surely others were investigating...maybe if it hadn't felt a tugging in what remained of it's heart, it would have stayed away. But after removing it's bandages, and revealing the shimmering orifice that replaced it's right eye, Priz couldn't ignore it. Thin wisps of light streamed from it, and revealed masses of darkness moving towards the event. In the streets below, they congregated, racing towards it. "It'll just bug me if I don't..." It concluded, before it began creating bridges of ice to skate between rooftops, before they quickly melted. The last thing it wanted was for the hordes of dark creatures below to kill it.