[img=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs49/PRE/i/2009/175/f/6/Choose_me_by_Nickieboy2004.jpg] Name:Aala Race: Twi'Lek Gender: Female Age: 19 Physical Description: Faction: Alsaij Cartel, however Aala is spying on Palta the Hutt Profession: Slavegirl, Spy Homeworld: Ryloth Starting World: Gamaloth Weapons: None Equipment: None [b]Personality:[/b] Aala has never had much of anything. This now is her chance to get ahead. She'll backstab or betray anyone to get her payday. She has little in the way of morality or compassion. After all, none has ever been shown to her. [b]Brief History:[/b] Aala was born on Ryloth and a more vicious and less hospitable place you'd be hard pressed to locate. Ryloth is a tidally locked world, only the most affluent of its people live on the slender strip of arable land between the scorching sun's rays on one side of the planet and the frozen wastes on the other. Even that small area is only capable of supporting life through the usage of weather altering technologies that keep the super storms that would result from the hot and cold air masses from opposite sides of the planet colliding. Most Twi'leks, Aala included, live underground and prey upon each other and live their entire lives without seeing sunlight. The lekku pick up minute vibrations and help guide the Twi'lek through the darkness. Aala was the daughter of the clan chief but she was sold for a hand blaster, a device costing little more than a few hundred credits when she herself was valued in the thousands. A good trade for the smugglers that purchased her. She then spent some time on a transport amongst many other slaves, moving at a mere x12 light speed where she and her fellow slaves dealt with some sort of creature aboard the slave ship. Unarmed, it was only by luring it into an airlock and ejecting it into hyperspace that she and her fellow slaves survived. Weeks later at the auction she was purchased and subsequently given instructions by a mysterious party. She was informed that if she made good spying on Palta the Hutt she would be well recompensed and allowed to go free before being returned to auction and purchased by the great Hutt. Now, all she needs is some damaging information, damning enough to destroy the Hutt.