Edge crept through Gilmer's Tower, on his way back to the town from the deeper areas where he spent quite a bit of time grinding his level, his hand at the hilt of his rapier. He was running low on supplies after a long night of pushing through the dungeon. The other wusses who were with him had already gone back to the town before long, afraid of the monsters deeper in the dungeon. Once every few meters, monsters would pop up in groups and formations, though after going one turn, it was easy to take them out from the blind spot with quick movements. They were all formed with weaknesses a good eye could see in order to differentiate between the ones with skill and the ones who simply moved forward without thinking. Every time he took sizeable damage, the boy would go on the defensive until his Battle Heal ability fixed his wounds. He'd almost forgotten that they were just in a game. Taking something like that this seriously... It felt strange. After cutting down another one of the small lizards with Star Splash, he noticed a rise in the digits over his name. With that moment of distraction, he found his health reduced substantially. Feeling the numbed pain coming from his back, he spun and stuck his blade through the attacker with a basic sword skill and cut him up. With a sigh, he waited for his health to replenish. [i]This is getting easier and easier. I had a lot more trouble when I was going in.[/i] [centre]~20th Level Safetown, outside an Item shop near Portal~[/centre] Edge had his cloak covering his armour, though he wasn't wearing the hood. The boy stretched after closing his inventory tab, yawning. [i]I'm all set to go another round. And this time I don't need any cowards to stick with me either...[/i]