Little was said about the incident reported by Lesita Morana. It wasn't the first time she received such blatant disregard for her efforts, but she didn't care about that. It wasn't about her or her career to fame right now; it was about those people buried underneath the wreckage, and the survivors bleeding all over the streets. Thousands of families were now homeless and there isn't enough shelters in Babylon to take them all in. If the city's underbelly doesn't claim them, the outskirts they'll relocate to surely will. And all for what? One man? For all of the talk BESC does about keeping the people safe, they sure do a lousy job of actually doing it. Too bad none of these issues are ever discussed in full back at the studio. But that was about to change. She'd make sure of it. 

"Alright," Lesita said through her mobile. "The studio execs cleared it." 

"Well I'll be..."

"You can thank Spearhead. OLNN's ratings dropped as soon as he went on air. Newsrooms going to cue Ironstone and he'll segue you in."

"I am indebted to your kindness, Miss Morana."

"Just give him hell."

"It's what I do best." 

[b]Main Channel: Prime Broadcast: Emeritus A01 - OLNN 3DHD[/b]

Bob Spearhead spent most of his airtime pandering to William Ironstone's ego. The news anchor basked in what stumbled words and careful inflections Bob sent his way. After what felt like an entire segment of ass-kissing, a little voice paged into William's ear. "Excuse me, Mr. Spearhead. I'd hate to interrupt you, but I have just received word that a special guest will be joining us live from holo-feed." William dramatically pauses, finger still pressed against his earpiece. His brow wrinkles momentarily and he glances off-camera before continuing. "CGB Delegate Robert Sinclaire..." He utters his name more in disbelief than as a welcomed announcement. Beyond his control, Robert's holographic image flickers onto the empty seat next to Bob Spearhead. Robert flashes his devilish grin, looking at both men as if he stumbled upon stray sheep. 

"Oh don't let me stop you, Bob. Do continue." The Delegate's sarcasm sapped Wiliams' broggadoious mood instantaneously. Mr. Spearhead dared not look back at him - his eyes remained fixed onto Williams' like wounded prey, pleading for help, but the news anchor was just as shocked at the sudden intrusion of this unwanted guest as he was."Perhaps when you boys are done stroking egos, we can talk about more pressing matters? Like BESC's botched attempt at apprehending a wanted criminal, resulting in the destruction of Project Tower V1115 - once home to thousands of Babylonians, whom I might add, were more than likely avid viewers to this [i]esteemed[/i] broadcast." Robert leaned forward ever so slightly and rubbed his chin, feigning intrigue. "I can wait."