Rareth gave a bit of a chuckle to Telmeck. "Eh, you didn't really. We've mostly just been complaining about politicians, which is especially awkward, since my duties make me a politician half the time. Though, I guess most politicians don't have cause to behead people on a semi-regular basis. Well, maybe politicians in the Sovereignty, but I digress." She joked to Telmeck. One by one, each member of the team arrived in the common area until they were all present. Quite pleasantly, they were all at least mostly sober, so they could maintain a sense of professionalism. The group headed down the elevator to a floor near the bottom of the tower. The very moment they stepped out of the elevator, a receptionist shepherded them into what looked like an empty board room. One wall consisted entirely of windows, while the others were completely white and featureless. There was a single, large table with enough seating for over a dozen people with chairs that were designed to be adjustable for any species. They were a few minutes early, so the receptionist instructed them to take their seats and wait for the representatives to arrive, though they did not need to wait long. On the very minute the meeting was set to begin, the four representatives entered the room and took their seats. There was a dark-skinned Human female, a Tempu woman with obvious tech implants in her eyes and on her hands, a Masulu male in a military dress uniform, and a Rothian male who caused Rareth's eyes to widen when she saw him, for he was someone she knew well. It was Ghirn'Lors, her immediate superior in the Rahn'Masser. Rareth knew his job involved politics, but she could not fathom why he would suddenly be representing the Rothians in the Assembly. It did not seem to make sense for him. Nevertheless, she was sure she would learn in time. For now, there was the matter at hand to attend to. As each of the representatives sat down, they activated holographic screens that hovered in front of them that they could use to display information pertinent to the meeting. With a single touch, Ghirn moved his display to the side so he could address the group. "Greetings, everyone. I am sure you all know why you are here, but just in case, this meeting is in regards to a join-species initiative, one you have all been selected to be a part of. From what I have been told, you have all had a few days to become acquainted, so do any of you have questions before we begin?"