Maybe he had scared her a bit? Instead of seeming reassured or opening up more, Ms. Albright only closed in on herself, moving steadily along towards the veterinary wards. Not ideal, not at all, but perhaps there was hope to be found behind those bouncing curls. That in mind, Antoine followed her with a steady smile, glancing around only quickly when they at last reached Ms. Albright's office. Given how recently she -and most of the shift- had been awakened, it was possible this was the first time she had stepped in here herself. Still, though, personal offices and workspaces tended to hold an attachment to the people who worked within them, and he'd rather not embarrass the lady any more by appearing as if he was judging the space. Besides, she had turned back to him once more. Far better to pay attention to her than anything else. "A private tour, how could I pass that up?" He flashed her a wide grin before turning around and raising his shirt. Mowzer's most recent marks stood out starkly against his skin, angry red lines overlaying the faint, pale reminders of previous climbs. Apart from those, however, his back was in great condition. There were a couple, star-shaped scars near his left shoulder blade, sure, and the solid line running up his neck from the middle of his upper back. But given the badges he had seen more than a few friends sporting on their own flesh, it seemed nothing to make a deal over. "It's not often I get to play patient." He couldn't help but chuckle at the though, arms up by his ears to keep his shirt out of the way. "It's kind of fun."