Souma waited patiently, watching from the open screen as Galina ever-so-carefully moved to collect the set used for the recently-ended ceremony. She gathered everything with methodical delicacy, as should be done, and he found himself content to let her continue. It was what should be done, after all. And if -despite everything else- Galina was willing to still honor the traditions of the ceremony, he would as well... ...Even if she seemed determined to provoke him. "Galina," He spared the spy a small smile, true emotions suppressed beneath walls of false courtesy. "The tea ceremony is where anyone can sit and speak without fear of coming to harm. Weapons are not allowed in this room." Not that such a rule stopped [i]anyone[/i] from concealing arms on their person -indeed, it was almost expected- but he would not rise to her words. Instead he inclined his head, watching Galina pass by him outside, before following to stand beside her. He stood so she was closer to the walls of the building, affording him a better view of the grounds and gardens, as well as any who might try to approach. "It has." They began to move slowly along the walkways, Souma's gaze laying on the grounds themselves more than Galina by his side. If she wanted to talk, then they would talk. She seemed the one to hold her word, which meant it was important to hear her out, at least. After that... "Gardens are wonderful, but... Hmm" He paused a moment, trying to catch the right words. "Gardens in Russia, yes? They are... different?" He gestured towards the carefully combed gravel beds spotted with copses of flora, the stone-lined koi ponds and bamboo stands out in the distance. "Different plants, different... look. Still garden, but not the same." "If like gardens, even if own beautiful ones... want to see others, yes? See different gardens, different plants, appreciate different beauty... understand?" He took a moment to look Galina in the eye, his own features serious. "Culture is my garden. No matter how wonderful Japan, want to see others, appreciate others. Because of that, I stay away for long."