It had been about two months since Mitsuru found herself trapped in the game Sword Art Online. She remembered the fear and the chaos that had been at the beginning. But now things had settled down at bit. People had been united together in order to fight through the floors and make it to the top. She was one of the ones who was on the front lines. As a self proclaimed Dragoon, she was one of the few fighters who could take down flying enemies with ease. Acrobatics was her highest skill and her spear made it easy to drive them down to the ground. She had been stoked to find that there were no classes in the game, customization was her favorite part of any game. And there weren't enough games that had a spear class that focused more on speed and agility than raw power. Though she had paired up with people plenty of times in the past, she still hadn't found a guild that was right for her. She wished her friends had gotten copies to so they could play the game together and make their own guild, but at the same time she was glad that they hadn't. There was no saying how many of them would have died by this point. And she couldn't bear the thought of not being able to protect them. She is protective by nature and would have certainly tried to save them all with reckless abandon. It was miracle she had survived this long because of it. She really needed to find a good tank to pair up with. You could only get lucky for so long in this game. She stepped into the cafe on floor 20 with a group of people. They were all going to be part of the fight against the boss and decided to use the cafe as their meeting place. So far there wasn't enough people to attempt the boss and they were hoping to get more before they went. The cafe was popular, hence why they chose it. Currently she wasn't partied up with anybody. They had a bunch of raw power and speed fighters, but no tanks. She wanted to party up with a tank. Or at least somebody who fought more defensively. Even if they didn't get a good tank, she'd have to pair up with somebody. She wasn't a loner, her style and personality just wouldn't allow it. Understandably a lot of people didn't want to fight and risk their lives. All sorts of people played games. But Mitsuru just couldn't understand sitting on your ass and relying on other people to do your work for you. She was a risk taking anyway and the thought of danger thrilled her. "Hey, Farore right?" One of the males at her table said. "I'm not just saying this because you're one of the few girls on the raid, but do you want to join my party?" Mitsuru thought that it was adorable that he added in the part about her gender. She also really liked it that he was seeing her as a fighter not a woman. So she smiled at him. "I want to see what we're going to have before I party up with anybody. But you'll be first on my list when the times comes, how about that?" The male smiled back at her. "Sounds great. I'm Abel. I love your name by the way, I get the reference and think it suits your appearance." Mitsuru fingered her long green hair. "Thanks! My friends say that I have a lot of courage, and you know the green hair. I use it as my name in all the games I play." "Well when we get out of this game I'll have to look for you in other games too." The of them continued to chat while they waited for the raid leader to announce they were leaving. Mitsuru wasn't hungry at the moment so she did order anything. She didn't like to eat right before a battle anyway.