Jack's friendly grin became all the wider at hearing they had some molasses on hand. "Be a little enough of a splash, just enough between coves, b'y, but it's a friend yar being so I'll not say a word again' it! Not a word! 'An it's ready, we'll den have a scoff and scuff of our own, a real screeching' in so we can gets together, eh?! Oh, will we ever!" Laughing openly, the Newfie slapped his knee. "Just need some parts den der, and if you've no slut or kettle at hand dem miners are sure to have a pot to piss we can use. Boil it up a treat, at the once, and first glass? First glass you'll be hollerin' sumptin' fierce an' know why we call it 'screech.' An' no more of dat 'Mr. Pumphrey' stuff! It's Jack, or Pumphrey if you must, dough I don't have a name of yars to replace da one I've given ya!" The molasses, or possible lack thereof, had been his greatest fear. True, he could stretch it with sugar or honey, but the taste wasn't just the same! Anything else he could cobble together, he was sure of it. But without molasses, he wouldn't even be able to start! The kitchen trio gave him hope now, and a trip down to the mining hangars would give him the rest! Jack was nothing if not an optimist. He moved his grin from the huge chef back to the foxy head, and his smile became something softer as he regarded her. "So it's a clogger we'll have then, I wager," Jack smirked impishly, "Do ya step at all?" One hope near fulfilled, Jack started out on another. He was a bit out of practice, most of the girls in his adopted home town being too thin for being so full of themselves for his tastes. The sight of Penny smiling back at him, seeing her bounce enthusiastically... Well, it gave a man ideas, it did! Jack was an honorable man, but also one who was rather straightforward for all his roundabout way of talking. True, he had just met the girl, but it always paid to cast your nets where you saw the fish. Jack gave a shrug that was a strange roll of his shoulders, somehow bringing to mind the roll of the ocean waves. "If ya've no say otherwise, Penny, den maybe we can go walking' out sometime, den? 'Cause I'm an honest man full o' da truth, an da truth is I tink yar gear. A right stick of gum, like I says before. Nuttin' improper, b'y, I'm a gentleman thru an thru, an' it'd be a right honor ta be seen wid ya if ya've a mind for it, b'y." A sudden beeping sound caught his ear then, and Jack looked up puzzled. He'd been so engrossed in Penny that he hadn't even noticed the twig of a boy mopping. He did notice now, however, that the young man had a face on him like a hen's arsehole in the northwest winds. Jack dismissed it. Whatever it was, it had nothing to do with him and, more importantly, there was a young lady whom he's already taken a fancy to; even if it was only a passing fancy, Jack saw no reason not to pursue that fancy to see if it became something more for either of them. "So what ya say, m'duck?" he urged genially, "After supper tonight, say? Where ya at now, stay where ya be an' I'll come to where ya at?"