(Collaboration between ConstableWalrus and KuroTenshi) [i]Healing house, Trellenborg[/i] Vigi blinked and moved in front of Anndrais to stop his pacing, holding up a calming hand. “You are exhausted. You did not hear me clearly, also you are rambling.” He motioned to himself. “I said that I would stay here and look after him. I understand that you do not wish to get involved in our politics and I apologize for nearly dragging you into it. You do not need to do anything if you don’t wish to. I only wanted your help to move him, but if there is no where to move him to then I do not need your assistance. As I said I will look after him until someone comes back to claim him. You needn’t do anything, except perhaps try to rest. I know that seems impossible but you should try.” Anndrais rubbed his head and sighed; and simply listened to Vigi as he spoke; and he replied “I am not saying I do not wish to help; simply that I can’t keep him in our shelter… I will be helping you treat him Vigi. And I will also be helping you move him…” He went to Robbie and leaned down looking over him “We lift him; start moving down the way, and start asking anyone where the Ragnarson hold is, We don’t stop until we find it, someone in this damned place must know where they live.” “If the doors locked, we break in, simple as that…” He said and waved him over “Now comon, lets get him up… Careful of the wound.” Vigi furrowed his brow and moved over to join Anndrais on Robbie’s other side. “You are a good man, monk, if a bit stubborn.” He said, his lips ghosting into a bit of a smile. “But such is the way of man.” He shrugged and winced when it pulled at his ribs. At least one of his ribs was cracked it felt like. Thankfully he could pull one of Robbie’s arm over his shoulders and not have him bare his weight down on his injured side. He did so, trying his best to not jostle the slaves head too much. Anndrais hefted, and he mused silently thanking himself for keeping in good shape and that Robbie was lighter than Wilfred. He had one arm over his shoulder the other wrapped about Robbie’s waist keeping him up. “Okay… Let’s head down the hill, ask anyone you see where the Ragnarsson longhouse is, the quicker we can find it and get in the better. Hopefully get the fire started, and i’m sure they have something we can use as bandages.” He huffed slightly as they walked as quick as they could manage without slipping down the slight hill. “Get water on a boil once we get inside, did you have any supplies in your home? Or am I going to make a run for my medicines?” He said harshly “I don’t want any stones rubbed on him or anything of that sort, we will treat him quick and easy, give him something for the pain and stop the bleeding. Then we hope he wakes up with half a mind left.” He glanced at Vigi “Understand?” He knew his tone was harsh but he could not help it, he had not wanted to be rude but he was sure it came off that way, he grunted making sure he had a strong grip on Robbie, trying to take most of his weight. He would say sorry once Robbie was safe somewhere. “This experience will go a lot smoother if you did not treat me as though I am your enemy monk.” Vigi grunted, the walking and carrying putting more strain on his battered body than he had originally thought it would. “Also my home is currently on fire as are a large portion of my supplies.” He snapped back at Anndrais. “I’ve something on me that should help though.” He muttered, turning to focus on the ground as they walked so he wouldn’t fall. Anndrais rolled his eyes “You are not my enemy, I am just carrying most of him, trying to find a damn home in the middle of this Cursed place…” He grunted out moving and keeping his footing steady “As for your home, sorry. I am sure someone will take you in.” He hissed out, lightly in retort. “What? actual medicine? Or some remedy from your gods? Because if it isn't medicine I care little what is in your pockets.” he snapped out, he was simply frustrated and when Robbie was down and settled he would apologise, but the frustration had settled in with the entire business. “But it matters not, we have to be almost there…” he said as the ground leveled beneath them, making it easier to hold Robbie. Vigi laughed bitterly. “Yes, I’m sure many will be jumping at the chance to give me shelter after today.” He muttered. “Also do not doubt the power of my gods and I shall not doubt the power of yours.” His attention quickly shifted when he saw a man sprinting toward the smoke of the healing house. “You!” Vigi shouted, making him stop. “Do you know where the Ragnarsson’s longhouse is?” He barked out, the question coming out more as a demand. The man blinked and Vigi could see that he seemed to be in a daze of sorts, most likely shock from whatever he was running from. He pointed down another path and mumbled out directions that Vigi could barely hear. Vigi nodded. “Thank you.” He nodded numbly and continued running. Vigi briefly wondered what the man had seen to put him into such a state and he hoped that he didn’t see it himself. “Let’s go.” Anndrais watched as the man ran off; he cared little but for the one in his arms “We have little time, we must hurry, I pray the door is open.” He tightened his grip and quickened his pace a tad bit enough to make more of a rush, but to not let Robbie’s head swing. His arms ached, he was sure Vigi was in much more pain after the beatings he took, he would have a look at him once robbie was settled, and he kept up the pace eventually reaching the Ragnarsson longhouse. “Come, lets get inside quickly.” Vigi nodded, a bit uneasy with breaking into the longhouse of such a strong, high ranking man but hopefully they would be understanding. He released Robbie and moved to the door, the cold seeping into him as he fumbled with the lock until he could get the door open. “You lay him down and cover him, I’ll get a fire started.” Vigi said, stepping into the dark longhouse and making a beeline to the smoldering fire pit in the center. Anndrais dragged Robbie into the room; and laid him down on the floor. He rushed towards the sleeping benches and started to grab the furs and throw them upon the ground before moving Robbie once more onto the furs and wrapped him in them. He looked up and eyed Vigi “Get that fire started quick… He’s wrapped.” He said looking around, and saw the privacy curtain, and went to it, tearing some of the cloth from the bottom, and started to rewrap the bloody wound “This will work for right now until I can get something better… Hows that fire coming Vigi?” “It’s going.” Vigi grunted after sparking a small fire into the kindling. “I’ll start boiling some water for cleaning.” He started to push himself up the movement caused a sharp stab of pain to rip through his side. He hissed sharply and fell back onto his knees, breathing heavily through his gritted teeth and wrapping his arm around his side. Vigi shut his eyes tight and tried to push past the pain, embarrassment burning through him at displaying such weakness in front of a stranger. Anndrais looked up at the man and grit his teeth “Just hold it together for a few more moments Vigi, and i’ll treat you… Just last another minute.” He said and stood making sure that Robbie’s head was slightly elevated and he went to Vigi and looked him over for a moment. “Is it in your ribs? Go lie down, now I’ll take care of the boiling, there has to be some medical supplies in this house we could borrow…” He looked at the bloody man kneeling before him “Now go, Lie down, i’ll get the hot water ready and you can wash that blood off you.” Vigi sucked in a deep breath and lifted his head to look up at the Christian. “I’m fine.” He grunted, slowly forcing himself to uncurl from the floor and he grabbed onto a sleeping bench to help him stand. “You needn’t worry about me.” He said, eyes hard with stubbornness as he gingerly kept one arm around his torso. Anndrais rolled his eyes “Curse you and your stubborn pride, As someone who knows medicine, please go lie down, and i’ll finish this.” He pointed to the bench “Or at least sit down, if you tumble and make yourself worse then i’m out of help to heal him.” And he drew his finger to Robbie, “Now sit down and i’ll get everything ready.” Vigi opened his mouth to protest but stopped himself. As much as he loathed to admit it, Anndrais was right. “Very well.” He relented with a heavy breath and slowly sat down on one of the benches. He ran his hand through his hair and began the tedious task of removing all the decorative beads woven into the pale strands. Some of which were stained black from Dragur blood. Anndrais nodded “Good, now i’ll set this to boil, we’ll clean him up, then yourself and i’ll make a run to get supplies, or search this place… Again you best do the explaining if they happen to come home.” and he hauled the pot over the fire setting it to boil. Vigi nodded in agreement, carefully setting his beads to the side so he wouldn’t lose any. “I agree, surprisingly enough.”