Telmeck smiled and laughed at Rareth's comment, "That's good and maybe we could skip on letting the others know about that politician bit. They may end up getting the wrong idea, though, I am sure they will love the whole beheading part, you should focus on that one." He joked back with a cheeky smile. Eventually the whole group arrived in the common room, they were quite an odd bunch with a varied type of personalities, skills and backgrounds. A good amount seemed military, others seemed to be mercenaries, one or two even still stood out from those two groups looking almost civilian. [I]It's going to be interesting getting to know all of these people, even more so finding out which of them are trustworthy.[/I] He thought to himself as his eyes unintentionally skimmed over the two Sovereignty members. Eventually the group began to shuffle into the lift and made their way down to the floor the meeting was to take place on. The elevator was rather silent, aside from a few people who were making conversation, the air became warm with everyone so pressed together and Telmeck couldn't help but feel bad for any who were claustrophobic. Finally the melodic ring signaled their arrival to the floor, some tension cloud be felt in the air as the doors slowly slid open. Some of the members were made less then comfortable by the idea of meeting with some representatives, which was understandable, politicians had a talent of making you feel as though you did something wrong even when you hadn't. The group made their way out of the elevator and was led to the meeting room by a receptionist. The rooms bland features did little to provide anything close to a welcoming feeling instead in just seemed to add to the mono-toned serious nature of this building. [I]If only we were meeting with some generals or something, they are so much more predictable, politicians are just, sneaky, feels like they are always up to something or trying to get you to let loose some secrets you have hidden away.[/I] Telmeck thought to himself as he admired the view from the large windowed wall. As the clock struck the time for the meeting to begin the politicians made their entrance almost in perfect sync with the clock. [I]Creepy[/I] Telmeck joked to himself as they did. Each one of them took their seats and as they did Telmeck looked over each of them, the female human, the Tempu woman, a Masulu male and a male Rothian. As they all got into their seats each one activated their own personal holographic screen. It was the Rothian rep to first speak, moving his screen to the side before addressing them. He listened as the representative spoke and asked if they had any questions. Telmeck himself had nothing he wanted to ask, at least, nothing that he was sure wouldn't be answered shortly, so he took the chance to gaze around the room to the members of his new squad to see if they had anything to ask.