Mizuki twitched listening to Zhou explain that he would be around until he could deliver her back to the northern tribe. Bristles shot up her neck though she kept the bright smile on her face, ignoring the urge to say something catty back to Zhou. Her eyes moved to Masuto with understanding. "Oh of course, I am certainly not in a hurry to get back. I love to travel.. and while you may not be ready to train in the art of water for a while, maybe I can still be of service to you via protection.. Or, if it helps - I have very limited experience with it, but I am learning to heal with my bending." She blushed. "I'm not too good yet.. but it'll get better I'm sure.. " She tilted her head a bit curious. "I'm sorry, do I misunderstand you? .... " She looked around for a moment. "Uh, "Kuei" is to carry who? Who is Kuei?" She blinked frowning as she looked to him. "I'm sorry I don't meant to offend.. it seems that Zhou and I arrived slightly late to the party. We had something pressing that came up that took our attention for a bit, so I seem to be behind on who is who?"