Edge looked through the map he'd created during his time in the dungeon as he walked towards the edge of the safe zone. He spent more than a few rounds in each room to make sure he would gain more and more experience before moving onto the next floor so that he could clear it in one go. The crowd around him was walking around as if everything was normal without anything on their minds. Most of them were most likely glad with the situation they were in, being able to do anything they want. He wondered why he wasn't walking around carelessly like that. The temptation to lay back in a house he can buy with the money he had was great but for some reason, he never got to doing it. It didn't feel right to leave the hard work to the others in the front lines. After several minutes, he was on the path leading to the tower with his hood up over his head, his entire body still covered by the cloak. He could see some scattered monsters around the area though they were still quite far from being organized. Every once in a while, Edge would have to fight something low level in contrast. Sometimes a bee would come, sometimes a 'bandit'. There were camps near the tower where most of the front liners were making plans to proceed.