[b][center]Eiji Emiya Holding back the Yonbi[/b][/center] Commanding an army, somehow Eiji still felt weird doing it. He was the Amekage's Assistant and he had no problem excecuting the commands Ryoku gave him, but actually standing in front of an army of people that waiting on his decision was just... daunting. He wasn't afraid, no he could do this, he was just wondering if he was really the person to give the orders. As he watched the beast being drowned by Ryoku and waited for orders, he half expected Kuni to pop up next to him. The girl always did that even though he would tell her countless of times not to come. It made him smile slightly, but as no Kuni appeared that smile faded. Of course she was not coming. She was getting ready for the sealing. The sealing that would change her life and most likely his too. He wondered if he should ask Hoshi for sealing techniques. He was the one that was most likely the closest to the new born Jinchuuriki and well... if something would go wrong it might be good for him to know some sealing stuff. Ryoku didn't give him more time to contemplate. Orders came. It was time to bring that beast down that was letting out his killing intent on the people of the city, including Eiji. He turned to the people of the first line of defense who were waiting on his words. [b]"Water Users!"[/b] He called. [b]"On the signal we are moving in and around the beast and hit him with all the water we have. Follow the.words of the Amekage. We will defend our city!"[/b] He turned back to the creature as it charged again. [b]"Eiji! NOW!"[/b] On their mark the line of shinobi started moving, charging towards the beast. Handseals were formed and water came crashing down on the Yonbi from all directions. Watching the damange being done Eiji could only think of one thing, if they succeeded - and they were going to succeed - he would have to find Kuni as soon as possible.