Shiva had hoped to get in some more small talk before the meeting, hoping to get a better angle on the third rothian in their team, Telmeck. He too didn't engage them much, but that was because he simply didn't seem to be around as frequently. Unfortunately, time had already seemed to whip by and an official came to escort them all. The entire group was brought to a large board room. It wasn't quite as extravagant as other rooms in the building, but it was still squeaky clean. It had a nice view as well. Shiva picked a seat without much heed, as they were all pretty similar. Once she worked out how the adjustment levers worked, she was able to sit comfortably. By coincidence, as soon as Shiva had set her chair to a comfortable configuration, the group was joined by four more individuals. Shiva didn't immediately recognise any of them, but they had an air of importance about them. The sovereignty suits among the four were very high ranking, Shiva could tell that much. They too had dress uniforms on. Damn. ...Actually, the faces of the tempu and masulu were somewhat familiar, but Shiva couldn't exactly place where she had seen them before. Were they ambassadors, or representatives, or something? Some sort of minister or chief of something or another. Shiva knew she had seen them both making public statements in the news before. August, being a mercenary, was the first to ask about pay. Shiva's inner Sovereign citizen gave a slight cringe to this, but she understood that it was a livelihood they followed. It wasn't as if Shiva had ever known what it was like to own property. Everything she had, save for a few trinkets, were Sovereignty property. The only money she was ever given was a capped allowance, restricted to an upper limit. She was a convict, not an employee. It would be nice if a perk of this assignment included a real salary, but she doubted that the Sovereignty would have glossed over that. As for any questions Shiva wanted to ask, she opted to wait until after the briefing. She expected most of the information she wanted would be given before her asking anyway.