"By all means, feel free to pry," Back to Ms. Albright, Antoine chuckled warmly, the touch of her finger still lingering down his back, along with the cool, light sting of the antiseptic spray. There wasn't that much to say about the marks etched into his back, really, the surgical scar probably the best thing that had happened to him. He wouldn't be the linguist he was without it. But his curly-haired nurse seemed nervous and embarrassed enough already, darting over to her desk after she was finished addressing his back. Lowering his shirt, Antoine couldn't help but wince slightly as it pressed against the disinfected cuts down his back. It was a... refreshing sensation, actually, he tugged his shirt again as he moved over to stand beside Ms. Albright. "Tigers and Lynxes, oh my." Grinning widely, he cocked his head to the side in playful question, hand tugging his shirt one more time. "Can we play with all of them? Or do guests have to choose one?" ~-~ There was a surprising number of acceptable humans walking around his home, now. The light voice had caused Mowzer to look back from his mission, receiving a sudden -yet acceptable- scritch behind the ears before the human then moved away. Sometimes he'd take that as an insult, but he had just finished a rather nice attention session from a different human, and was more in the mood for a nap. A nap on a lap could be nice though... But his favorite strange thing was open down the walkway, inviting chair just visible to his eyes. Now that there were so many humans about, would they ruin his favorite sleeping area? Should he get as much use out of the chair as he could now? But a lap was warm. Decisions decisions, why did humans never have to struggle like this? The challenges of life, it seemed. Mowzer stood there for some time, looking back and forth between his original destination, and where the new human had gone. Lap or chair, lap or chair, perhaps he'd just curl up and nap where he was standing now. That'd be a decent compromise, the floor was cold but always seemed to warm up quickly. He could watch the loud humans move around from here as well, make sure they didn't do anything terrible to his favorite napping spot. Of course, he could do the same [i]from[/i] the chair itself, couldn't he? Yes, that might be the best, after all. Chair it was the- wait- Another of the humans was walking towards him? What did this one wa- Oh... [i]NO.[/i] A low, rumbling growl built up from the depths of Mowzer's chest as Reece walked over and scooped down, the cat perfectly understanding what [i]this[/i] human was trying to do. His tail flicked in irritation, eyes narrowing as he slunk back barely a step... then struck. With a yowl, Mowzer swiped at the nasty human's outstretched hands, claws extended, before bounding away. He darted around the fool, past the others, decision finally made as he set his sights on the human who had scritched him earlier. Crossing the remaining distance at a near-sprint, Mowzer slowed to curl his body around the nice woman's legs, flashing a dangerous glare at the other one. It would be up to the human, if he got the message. Mowzer didn't care either way, but if that human tried to pick him up again? He'd get a lot more than a little slap.