[center][b]Deidara Yuhiko Saved![/b][/center] A few moments after Renya injected the antitode and boosted its effect speed with her lightning aura, Deidara coughed and opened his eyes. Seeing his teammate above him, he forced himself into a sitting position even though he still felt weak, but he also felt like his entire body was given a bit of energy. He gave her a smile before looking around. [b]"Thanks Renya. You did it. Sorry I couldn't provide any more help. I was an idiot who thought he could do too much at once, and it failed big time. Now we just need to find Midori."[/b] He said and looked around some more. The last thing he remembered was the Gyuki controlled clone pulling Midori away into an alley [b]"I think she was trying to find somewhere she considered to be safe."[/b] Deidara said before coughing a bit more. His entire body felt odd due to the lightning that went through it, along with the exaustion and the fact he fainted. He just hoped his teammate won't have a problem with finding Midori, as he placed his hand against the wall he was next to and slowly brought himself back to his feet, using the wall as support.