Talking heads, political jabber, and a spinning of stories bordering on propaganda and outright lies. That was all he heard from his left display, set to OLNN Primetime. The display immediately to the right showed the real story, plain info. He liked watching the news this way, it gave him the facts, then let him compare it to how they were trying to influence the populace. Were they trying to discredit a certain group, were the figure of casualties notedly inaccurate, to cast a better light on the police force? What euphemisms were being used? Ames rarely got leisure time like this. Despite Fractal being relatively small, they had a lot of work to do. Speaking of which. "Ames here." It was his tech man, the guy with the gadgets. Without him, the cell would be blind, deaf, and most likely dead. "Yeah, we've got word that they're going to be moving it soon. Well not them specifically, someone else wants that info." "That will have to do. Send me everything you've got." Moment later, he got everything he needed. He ended the call, muted the news feed, and got ready. [i]I've got work to do.[/i] --------------------------------------- [i]I could really use sleep right now...or a caf...or even a stim. My luck is shit.[/i] But there wasn't much argument she could put up. It was just luck of the draw. Dar said they needed this done, she was the one for the job, and that was that. After all, if he hadn't stepped in when needed, she'd be at the bottom of a pile of rubble at the present moment. Instead of being buried, she was actually sitting quite comfortably on a nearby bench. Gone was the armor of the BESC, thank the skies. Instead, she wore the much less encumbering, slightly cobbeled together armor of Fractal. Years of scavenging and invisible transactions making up what she now wore, save for the rough overcoat that hid all of it, and her significant arsenal. Hence why Tess was glad she was sitting, if she was walking, she'd probably clank up a storm. This plan was very much fluid. Of course, Dar had all of the info, but he almost never saw the need to share the entirety of it with anyone. All she knew was that he was nearby, watching, and when she got the signal, there was someone that needed to be shot. Simple. Clean. Her kind of job.