"Come on guys let's go!" Brian yelled as he ran to his car and hopped in. Caleb jumped in his cars and his friends all followed suit as they drove to Caleb's apartment. It had been one of the biggest anticipated games of the year. Natasha looked over at Caleb with a smile, "Hey!" she said as she nudged him, "Don't be too quiet, you'll still be better than everyone else!" she said with a grin. Caleb shook his head, "How you know what I am thinking honestly amazes me sometimes." Caleb said as he glanced at her and put his eyes back on the road. "Well of course I do, we just got done playing basketball yesterday, and Stevie definitely worked you." she said as she giggled, "Thanks" Caleb retorted back. "OH come on!" She said as she grabbed his arm, "We've been dating for a year and been friends for 2 years, you know that you aren't that bad. You just always want to guard the hardest player whenever we play sports." She said, "It's admirable since you want to do it to get better." Natasha said very smoothly as she let her finger glide up and down his arm. Caleb grinned as he said jokingly, "Dang it woman get out of my head." She smiled and responded with a firm "Nope!" as she leaned back in her chair. "Besides you are better than any of us at video games, don't you remember in basketball beating Jake by 70?" She said now trying to make him feel better. Caleb nodded as he made a turn that led to a main street. "Of course I do, but video games aren't going to get me anywhere, name one situation where it'll help out." he said. She smiled as she responded sweetly, " Why simple dear, what if my life depends on it?" She said half jokingly. Caleb chuckled at the thought, "I have your girl, and you can only take her if you can beat me at video games. Right, like that'll happen." Caleb said as he chuckled. Natasha shrugged her shoulders "Well have no fear, you will be better than the others at this, I mean heck you were the one who read all the manuals already as well as done all the research. I mean who's your competition?" she said with a smile. Caleb slowly turned his head with a smile, "Oh gee I wonder who, maybe the only person to ever actually make me have to try in video games to beat them." he said with a smile as he looked at Natasha. Natasha raised her hands, "Guilty as charged!" she said as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Caleb finally pulled up to his driveway. He parked on the curb as his friends all parked as well. As Caleb got out of the car Stevie was already booking it for his apartment, "HEY CALEB TOSS THE KEYS!" he yelled as Caleb threw his keys to Stevie. "Is it just me or are they way more into it than I am right now?" he asked Natasha gave him a glare, "Caleb, you are more into it than any of us, that's why you have your 'it's time to get serious' gaming face and voice. Caleb shrugged as they started walking Caleb Saw that they had shut the door. Taking the opportunity and being alone he grabbed Natasha by the arms and pushed her against the car and kissed her. "I love you." he said with a smile as she looked down and smacked him in the chest, "Dang it! now I look like a tomato!" she said blushing. They walked to the house where everyone else was already almost done. "Come on Caleb!" Adam said as he grabbed his nerve gear. "Set up!" So Caleb set up as they all sat there and waited, the countdown on the gear started and they all laid on the mattress of their choosing, Natasha and Caleb were next to each other though of course. The second the countdown hit zero all at the same time they said, "Link START!" ------------------------------------------------------------- In seconds Caleb was now in the game. With his friends joining him all around him. He and a few of them talked for a bit, but he was looking for someone, it was hard since he didn't know what everyone put as their faces. That's when he bumped into someone. "Oh i'm sorry!" he said as he looked behind him. A girl shoved him now, "Yeah watch it bub you don't know who your messing with!" she yelled. "Look i'm sorry i'm looking for a friend." He responded only to get shoved again, "You wanna talk back to me?!" she asked as she got closer. Caleb gave her a weird look, "No I-" before he could finish she kissed him, "There's your first virtual kiss Caleb." she said with a grin. Caleb put his head into his palm, "Of course I should've known it was you." he said as he hugged Natasha. "Hey guys come over here!" his friend Jeremy said, but in the game he was known as Yago. "Accept my guild invite and let's get going! Caleb we'll follow your lead!" he said with a smile as everyone formed the guild, "What are we called?" Stevie who was known on game as Sosa asked. Yago smiled, "We are The Nomads!" he said with a smile. They all cheered at the name, Caleb smiled these were his friends. And it was time for him to lead them. "Okay guys this way!" he said as he started leading them through the beginning part of the game that he had already read so much about and that he had already basically memorized from the different things he read and saw online. It was only a couple hours of them getting in when they suddenly all found themselves teleported back to the beginning town. That's when the game inventor appeared in the sky and started explaining things. Caleb stared at him angrily as Natasha held onto his arm and cried into it, "Caleb we look like what we did in real life!" she said quietly. He looked down at her and whispered, "Good I'd rather see your beautiful face for as long as we are stuck in here than your avatar's." he said as she and all of his friends pressed in. "Calm down everyone." Caleb said as he could tell people started to get very uncomfortable and started to act nervous. So if Caleb had heard right, the only way out was to beat all 100 levels. But if someone died in game they died in real life. "What type of sick twisted bastard would do this. A couple of Caleb's friends were brand new to MMORPGs and this stupid game was risking their life. "We will get through it." Sosa said as he wrapped his arm around Caleb, "After all we have Caleb!" he said with a grin, "Remember guys he almost was on a professional Gaming team! He did that by beating their top dog." Sosa said with a smile. Caleb could feel everyone's eye's on him, he didn't want to but it was time to play seriously, it was no longer about fun. Caleb's face turned very serious as the rest of the group got a large smile, "Oh there it is! His serious face!" they said as they all gathered around him. Caleb then grinned with them, "Let's go all, let's show these people how to truly game!" he said. And that's what they did, they leveled and lived with each other for awhile, It wasn't until a few weeks in though that their first death happened when Brian ran off to try to level on his own to get a higher level. They ran to try to save him but he died. Then next it was Erik, who was killed by a player killer, next was Kevin, Cory, and Chad. All of them dying in different ways. After awhile the rest of them tried to push further in a dungeon. But only ended up getting separated by a big fight. Caleb couldn't see any of them and he had to run. He never saw them again after that, his group of friends. Now he truly was a Nomad. Someone with no home. ---------------- Two Months had passed since the day that the Game became life and not just a game any longer. Caleb had become a solo player now, as he walked through most of the challenges that came his way. He was way too good at MMORPG's to be beaten by some weak NPCS. He still had no idea if some of his friends were alive or not. he hoped they were. He looked around the forest, he was on level 20 of 100, one fifth of the way there. That's when he saw some type of praying mantis approaching him, "Stupid creature." he said as he pulled out his sword. He felt the energy in his body start to escalate as the mantis charged him. He quickly moved forward and stopped as he sheathed his sword. He looked back as the mantis stood there with it's arm still in the air. only to have a cut appear across it's body. That's when it just eventually dissipated into nothingness. "What a weak creature." Caleb said with a grin. Caleb tried to not let his issues bring him or anyone else down. He had been apart of a couple boss fights, most of the time just as support though. Most people didn't even think about him and just passed by him without giving him a second glance. It was fine, he didn't need to be known. He would beat this game, and save his friends, if they were still alive. He hoped they were. He missed Natasha. He missed her very much and after he lost her he cried for about 4 days before finally getting a hold of himself and grinding out his levels once more. His thought was, He hadn't seen her dead, so she must be alive still. He didn't care if it was foolishness, it was one of the things that kept him going and one of the things that kept him from just quitting like so many others had. He walked into town as a couple people waved at him, he had made a couple friends at least since being in the game. They knew his real name was Caleb, but a lot of them still called him Wally on account of his game name being Waltic. He hadn't any place to live really, he would just go from floor to floor looking for Natasha, or any of his other friends, and then spending the night at a tavern or an inn. So far no leads but he had people on watch for her just in case. There were a couple times where people thought they had seen her, once was back at the town of beginnings but it turned out that that wasn't quite true as he found no trace and it was simply off of a rumor. The other was someone said they thought they had seen someone fitting Natasha and Stevie's look in the forest of level 13. Which was the level they had all gotten split up at. It made sense but when he went the two people were two completely different people and were definitely not Stevie or Natasha. So he walked into a tavern as he passed a female in white clothing. He walked over to an empty spot at the bar and sat down. He raised his hand as he asked for something to eat and he got what he asked for. He sat there as he turned around and watched as everyone talked. He noticed a few people talking about him. In such a small community word of one's misfortunes and gains gets around quite quickly. For him it was the fact that he was a Nomad and didn't have a place called home. But he had some friends. As someone walked over and started to talk to him. He talked back s they joked loudly for awhile before they both left the tavern and parted ways, He simply stood outside the tavern in some shade as he waited for the sun to go down.