A loud pinging resounded through the still morning air, prompting the agent to look down at his TAC pad on his wrist... A notification, that the briefing was about to begin, and that he should report to the board room immediately. A contented, raspy sigh escaped his suit, as Opus began to walk hurriedly through the garden and return to the Concord. Finally, after all this waiting, they were about to begin. For him, it couldn't have been sooner. ---- After a brisk walk through the various winding corridors and office hallways, he finally arrived at the briefing, just as what he assumed to be the main backers of the initiative, addressed the group and asked for any questions to be known. Opus heard mention of pay, and curiously looked over at them. Where they actually making money off this deployment? He honestly knew nothing about it, he didn't know much about the Assembly task force at all. Standing towards the back, the agent crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, eager to learn just what all of this was about. He only knew that his was going to be an interesting next couple of months, or even years.