Souma found himself seriously pondering the question, as he had intently listened to Galina while they walked. Why? Why was she seeming so open in their conversation, beyond what was necessary to convince those around that they were merely two enjoying the company of one another? It seemed... out of place. For the Russian spy who had infiltrated his family within his homeland, her current actions and demeanor were nowhere near what he had expected. Different cultures, perhaps? "America I have learned most, So I might call favorite." He pondered the sights and sounds of that country, what little of it he had actually seen. One massive coast stretching up the ocean separating it from his homeland, with more and more to learn the further one traveled inland. "America... borrows. Everything from somewhere else, from someone else, but is made their own. It... shouts, calls to look at, begs attention. Wants to be seen, wants to be heard, loves to be recognized. Loud, messy, young... It is... exciting, to be part of." It was really the only thing to say. The energy that was found there, everything done in such strange ways, but drew one in all the same. "But, came for more than this, yes?" They moved further and further to one of the corners of the compound, away from everyone else, the buildings shrinking to mere sheds as the gardens and ponds grew to dominate the area. A small, tended forest within the walls of the compound, a place for members of the clan to step away from their busy lives, and find a few moments of peace for themselves. Perfect for a private conversation between spies... and... maybe more. "Did not convince my father you were 'teacher', just for this." Stopping, Souma turned to lock his gaze upon Galina before him. "Had message, yes? Tell it."