[i]Name[/i] Miracle Ariete Slayn [i]Age[/i] 14 [i]Level[/i] 13 [i]Screen name[/i] Littrix (or Lit) [i]Appearance[/i] [img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/63527917/large.jpg[/img] Height - 4'9 Weight- 95.4 [b]First Timer[/b] [i]Skills[/i] Cooking~ Musical Instrument~ Familiar Communication Familiar Recovery~ [i]Weapons[/i] [IMG]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140419011143/fairytailfanon/images/thumb/2/27/Lily_Blade.png/180px-Lily_Blade.webp[/IMG] [i]Equipment[/i] Health Potions - 2 Warping Crystal (Starter City) - 1 Antidote Crystal - 3 Col - 34063 ~ [hider=Airin][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120809084737/swordartonline/images/thumb/2/20/Silica_ACD_1.png/830px-Silica_ACD_1.png[/IMG][/hider] [i]History[/i] During the first day of the game she walked around the starter city doing her normal things. She wasn't much of a gamer nor did she know much about the game itself but she felt that she wanted to try something new. Hours passed by looking at the NPC's and her surroundings but didn't get close to the gates very much. Everyone in town seemed human like and she was very impressed! It all seemed real. As soon as the afternoon struck she had been teleported a man in a huge red cloak appeared in blood? Odd for a GM to introduce herself but she didn't mind. She could tell that some where a bit scared and tried to get out but she could see why. Teleporting in without notice is a bit scary he gave us all a piece of glass. She saw her avatar but suddenly everything changed knowing something was wrong she could see her real body and real face. Now she felt odd but ..she didn't know we would go through her and as some kind of freaked out she just tried to stay calm. She stared at the GM until he had spoken. Now..it really did feel like hell. Silence fell upon the spawn and when the GM left she could here the screams. She was scared. The eery essence fell upon her and she simply broke down, falling onto her knees. Tears slowly seeping out. She was...she couldn't express her emotions but one..word scared the area cleared after a few hours of screaming or crying. She finally stood up but did nothing. Thinking and thinking..for hours she was afraid to die by virtual mobs. She wanted to suicide now..but she knew she could do something about it. She finally got up but waited a few days, maybe weeks..to finally get her strength up to go outside the gates and thus she did go outside but only a foot away. Puffing very hard she decided to go. She finally fought, not giving up and finally gaining the strength to return to her normal state. She gained courage. Though she was still risky her poor strikes and strategy caused her to go way down in health though she killed the mob at the last moment. She didn't have enough (money currency) as well. She was very weak though when she got meat from mobs she would usually cook and when she did sell her food and gained another skill. she gained a instrument and which she practiced more on and gained a skill.. She played music when she was little but stopped.Her mother played the violin it was..sweet to have a few memories in her possession. and at one point she gained a friend as well. At level 7 roaming around the nearby forest a dragon a cute, small one popped up. Seemingly it was asking for food and she gave..it 'meat' she didn't know things like that could appear but it seemed nice to. She was happy when the dragon became her 'tamed beast' it was odd and she gained two extra skills that she didn't know about. She was sure that she read that beta-testers manual but this 'beast' thing didn't popped up. Though during fights she would get healed during her fights and wouldn't take much risk anymore though she was still low health. The beast, named ' Aura ' was the greatest help she could get. Knowing that she was a 'newb' at this game, knowing that she had to try and fight her way through this damned game. [hider=Tamed Beast][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs22/f/2008/013/1/3/Mini_Dragon_by_T_Tiger.jpg[/img][/hider]