There was another cry slightly off, around the corner. Edge still had his armour hidden with his sword out in his right hand, cutting down one of the monsters. He pulled up the map he'd made of the area and stared at it for quite a bit. After closing it, he sighed and continued walking. He reached a corridor where a young player, no older than he was, was trying to navigate through the maze. [i]Going around alone? That's not sa-- I guess I'd be a hypocrite if I said that, huh?[/i] Just as he was about to say hi, he heard her challenge the world. "Can't wait to see the looks on all your pretty little faces when you see no boss and me with all the loot, sweethearts!" A smirk grew on the boy's face. [i]Hehe... This'd be a good chance to scare her,[/i] he thought to himself. He knew one person wasn't enough to take on the boss but someone who'd gotten to level 20 without dying must've known that. "Hi there," he said with a warm, calm tone. "Are you lost?" It wasn't safe for anyone to challenge a boss themselves. He knew this himself as well. It would be helpful to have an ally to rely on during the fight. He put on the nicest look he could manage in order to show that he wasn't hostile.