Despite the blunt nature of August's question, Ghirn answered without skipping a beat. "Payment for most of you is being handled by the governments who sent you, and will most likely be the standard of whatever your government pays. For those of you who are independent contractors, the payment you have agreed to is outlined in these" With the press of a button, Ghirn activated holographic displays in front of every member of the team, each one of which displayed a contract drafted specifically for the person it was being presented to. "These contracts outline the terms and conditions of your service to the Assembly in this endeavor. For most of you, it essentially boils down to a simple non-disclosure agreement, though as I said, if you are a contractor, i also outlines your pay. You may examine it if you like, but we cannot continue until everyone here has signed the agreement. If you do not like the terms, you may leave now. Be aware that, after signing this agreement, if you reveal any classified information you learn during this mission, the Assembly will have the authority to detain and imprison you." Rareth was no stranger to these agreements, so she wasted no time in signing her NDA. The holographic display was able to take her biometric readings for identification, meaning all she had to do was to give her thumbprint. As she was no mercenary, her pay was taken care of by the Rahn'Masser, and was no different from her normal salary. The wording on the mercenaries' payment contract was actually a bit complicated, but if they performed well, they could stand to make half a million credits for a year's contract.