Coin followed the group into the meeting room, trying to make herself as small and unnoticeable as possible. She was relatively comfortable with Bit and August, but beyond that, much of the group was still an unknown to her. She took an open seat, keeping her limbs as close to her chest as she possibly could. She pressed her back into the seat, and brought her feet up to the seat of the chair, holding her knees at chest level. The few seconds she waited before the representatives walked in felt like years. As the representatives filed in, Coin felt the unavoidable feeling that she should probably already know who the human representative was, at the very least. Did Coin salute? Did she just wave? Did she just continue sitting, balled up in her chair? Coin wasn't sure, so she stayed put, for the moment. Then August asked about pay, and Coin wanted both to hide her face in embarrassment and reach over and slap August. His tact was poor and he gave off a pretty horrible first impression. Not the best way to start off this inter-species team dynamic. At least the Rothian reacted well enough. Coin sighed inwardly. As soon as the non-disclosure agreements were brought up on the displays, Coin began skimming the contract and gave her thumbprint without any second thought. She was, after all, assigned to this team by her commanding officers, so it wasn't like she'd have much choice anyways. As soon as the display accepted her thumbprint, Coin brought her hands back to her knees, pressing them to her chest tightly.