After a little while the raid party left the cafe. They hadn't had much luck on getting anybody else. So they would just meet up with the other front liners at the camp. Right now Mitsuru was paired up with Abel and one other person. They had split off into groups of three for now, things may change when they get to the camp. Every boss fight Mitsuru had been in, the moment the raid entered the boss room, they had to watch and some idiot who wanted the drops died. Did people not understand that this was a death game? The drops didn't matter as long as the bosses were beaten. The only thing that was important was getting out of the game and back into the real world. Though she did have a couple of friends in game, none of her real world friends had made it in. So she was completely alone in that sense. A soft sigh escaped her lips as the raid party was attacked by a group of monsters on the way to the tower. One of them was some sort of winged creature. "I got the flying one!" She called to the rest of the people as the fighting began. She had fought with some of, if not all, of these people before. And her reputation as a Dragoon was pretty good. So nobody argued. With a battle cry, she ran at the flying creature, her spear grasped lightly in her right hand. When she got close enough she leaped into the air, the flying enemy seemed rather confused as his prey was suddenly at eye level with him. She drove her spear straight into his torso and let gravity do the rest, bending her knees to absorb the impact as they hit the ground. The creature shattered and died from the combined damage of her spear and the ground. The victory screen popped up shortly after as the rest of the monsters were taken care of. She didn't get any drops from the flying creature, but the money and experience was decent. At the very least she worked on her acrobatics skill. Nothing else happened on their way to the tower. They met up with the rest of the front lines and set up their own section of the camp. Away from the guilds. The group Mitsuru was with was made up of people who didn't belong to guilds yet. After plans were set, the groups that hadn't entered the tower yet did so. Once they got to the boss room they would wait for the other groups. Nobody would go in unless everybody was there. It wasn't worth risking your life for a little extra loot. Those were the types of people Mitsuru hated most. Yeah, she was reckless, but she wasn't stupid. Her and the rest of the raid group began to make their way through the tower, searching for the boss room and fighting everything that came their way.