Name: Kilia Fayne Age: 17 Level: 42 Screen Name: Night Arrow Mora Appearance: [img=] Beta Tester or First Timer?: Beta Tester (Beater if you want to go that far...) Skills: Archery (nearly maxed out), Dual-Wielding, Throwing, One-handed Blade, Stealth, Tracking (advanced), Eavesdropping (or just a listening skill), Hunting, cooking (basic), Crafting, Blocking, Dodging, Blacksmithing and Charisma/Intimidation. Weapons: A specially acquired bow, two rare shortswords and numerous throwing daggers (that can also be used as versatile melee weapons). [hider=Kilia's Weapons][img=] [img=] [img=] [/hider] Equipment: 3 days worth of food and water, rope and grappling hook, hunting equipment, leather strapped armour with light metal plating, money (100,000 Col), paper and ink. [hider=Armour Appearance] [img=] [/hider] Guild: Solo player, PKer, Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Contractor, Body Guard. History: Like most who started SAO, she had a heavy heart. The future seemed bleak, most certainly for a solo player such as herself, and she didn't want to be stuck in this world, trapped, forever. The first few fights of hers were extremely difficult, as she'd often wondered if she might as well kill herself rather than prolong her suffering. It was through one of these little mishaps that almost cost her life, and also the founding of her best friend: Rye. Rye saved her life and taught Kilia from then on, teaching her the ways of the game and how to play. She was a natural, and was slaying more monsters than most within the first month alone. Her level grew quickly and the two of them became an extremely powerful force that wasn't to be reckoned with. After a little while, Rye offered Kilia a job, as well as a guild to join and place to stay. That was when Kilia first joined the Thieves Guild... It was often perceived that the Theives Guild were a bunch of intimidating scoundrels and bullies, though even Kilia had to admit their tactics were rather brilliant. They never killed, only pushed around and tortured an enemy until he or she gave in to their demands. Once they'd dropped the requested items, they'd leave. Kilia stayed within the Thieves Guild for a majority of the time SAO has been running... Kilia started her newfound profession a few months ago, when her best friend, Rye, was killed by Laughing Coffin, the murder guild. Shortly thereafter, she found out how easy it was to take another person's life over a monster's, and how much faster you can grow in terms of level, skill, and Col value. She put up her message on the message board, and was surprised by how many requests she first got: body guard missions, assassinations, mercenary jobs and other such quests which, given the right price, she'd go out and complete. She has a saying that "I'll do any job for the right price", and that is no joke. She supposedly even got an offer to kill Heathcliff, the leader of the 'Knights of the Blood', though turned it down due to the low price and satire request. However, she made sure to state that she's gladly attempt to kill Heathcliff should a true oppurtunity arise... Kilia has a dark and harsh exterior and doesn't like to speak much. She has a soft spot for gruesome things and brutality and can be considered a bit of a sadist and masochist. She hates, what she likes to call, "cute shit" and is a downright red player due to previous acts against humanity. Alone, she's killed nearly one hundred players...