[center][b]Shikaroku Nara Konoha Genin - Team 9[/b][/center] Looking around the field and watching his teammates go after the tags... Shikaroku could feel the migraine starting. He wanted so badly to be able to help, to be able to make some clones to search with the others, but he couldn't. He was useless... Punching the ground in frustration, Shikaroku let out a sound that was a mixture of a growl and a yell of anguish. [b]"STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU! We can't keep going around trying to accomplish this as individuals! The whole purpose of this training was to fix the issues that we had working as a team! Look at us though! If Hiron-sensei could see us now how do you think he would react!?"[/b] Looking down at the ground, Shikaroku's voice grew a little quieter. [b]"Look... I'm sorry. I just... I cannot do what both of you can do. I cannot help in the same way, so I have to try and help you guys in a different way. But I can't do that if we don't work together..."[/b] The pain in his head was beginning to grow again, and Shikaroku clenched both of his fists so tightly that his fingernails dug into his palms, drawing blood. [b]"I know that we are running on limited time here, but we also have to keep in mind that Hiron has a surprise in store for us when we get back to the village. Without knowing what we are going to be facing, we need to be careful with our chakra. I agree that shadow clones pose the smallest risk when it comes to collecting the tags due to the fact that it saves you both from taking any real damage. However, using clones also takes up a lot of chakra, and I think that there is another way that we could do this."[/b] Again that nagging pain at the back of his head. Pushing the feeling from his mind and forcing himself to focus, Shikaroku looked between his teammates. [b]"I may not be of much use due to my inexperience and my lack of techniques, but I have an idea how I could be a little more useful. But first... First i should be apologizing to you both for my outburst. That was not how I usually deal with things and it was wrong of me. I... Once this is all over I can explain to you both a little more clearly, but for now please just hear me out."[/b] His eyes travelled between both Mia and Masami, an apologetic look on his face but also a look of fierce determination. [b]"Masami, you have proven that you are able to locate the traps within a certain radius. At the moment I am not quite sure what your range is, but we can use that to our advantage. Mia, from what I have seen so far you and your ninken are the fastest of us, and the most experienced. Together you are our best chance of getting in close to scout out the location of the papers. With Masami locating the traps, we can communicate through our earphone communicators and avoid the majority of them while searching for the pages. If you are comfortable with it Mia, I can cover both you and your Ninken with my shadow shield. It will protect you from any physical attack, and it does not use up too much chakra, making it more efficient than a clone technique."[/b] Shikaroku hoped that his plan made sense so far, to be honest he wasn't even quite sure how he'd managed to come up with it, normally his migraine would have kicked in already and made clear thinking an impossibility. The pain was still there, but it wasn't as strong as previous times. Shikaroku was still worried that it would flare up any minute now, and he wanted to explain the rest of his plan before doing so. [b]"Once we have located the pages, we can collect them one at a time... as a team. I would suggest that we first attempt to collect the pages at a further range, in order to avoid any immediate traps. If that proves to be impossible then we can move in closer, protecting each other against the traps. I know it may take a little longer than spreading out and trying to simply grab the tags as fast as possible, but this way will be much safer, and waste much less chakra. By my calculation, we still have just over an hour to collect the remaining pages before we need to head back to the village. That should be more than enough time if we start working together now. Thankfully Masami was able to collect one of the pages already, meaning we only have four left. I leave it up to you though guys, if you have any better suggestions I am all ears."[/b] Slowly standing to his feet, Shikaroku looked at his teammates, waiting to see how they would react. He knew his outburst had been a little over the line, but that was something they could deal with later, and hopefully they could focus on getting this mission finished first.