'Let me show you around, so you don't have to rely on us' "Oh most certainl-aaaah" Her cousin had grabbed her wrist and pulled her along meaning to show her the many differen't places in the town. Many people along the way gossiped about the duo, rather loudly. 'What a strange couple' 'What a weird girl' 'Clearly she's not from here, I'd never let my daughter dress like that...' After passing by a few people, Chiaki ripped her wrist from her cousins grasp. "Hya! I'm sorry, but I can walk on my own! I don't need you to escort me like some infant!" Her face became red with anger. Chiaki took a deep breath and returned to normal. "I apologise, please, continue escorting me, but refrain from holding my hand." The duo continued their walk. > It was going to an interesting day > Chiaki looked at the various stores in delight, thankfully she had brought along various ammounts of yen. "Yaku-kun! Lets get some sweets! It'll be my treat! Ahehehe!" Chiaki giggled at the pun she made, she beleived it was quite clever. She selected on the finest of the sweets, a 'Caramel Rose Queen Slice'. Essentially, its a rich chocolate filled with caramels, upon the slice are small sweet roses made from frosting. "This is absolutely amazing! I never would have guessed they would sell it here! Yaku-kun! What would you like? Please, do not hesitate, I have quite a sum of money." She smiled and waited for him to make a selection.