[img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130530003415/princeofpersia/en/images/2/2a/Farah_Profile_Render.png] Name: Saraswati Balasubramanian- Her friends call her "Sara" or "Swat" Screen name: Arlanni Cursor Color: Orange Age: 23 Level: 20 Appearance: Sara is more than likely to be surprised by her appearance in the game world. She had selected a milk skinned, blond avatar with woad tattoos. Beta tester or first time: Newb. Skills: Belly Dancing, Stealth, Climbing, Lock Picking, Backstabbing, Legerdemain, Weapons: Bow, Short Sword Equipment: Grappling Hook, Thieves Tools, Mirror on a stick, 25,000 Col, Healing Potion, Potion of Anti-Petrification, Warp Crystal (Starting City), Haste Potion Guild: Has no Guild as of yet but if she did go for one it'd be one that focused on the thieving. History: Before the announcement, Arlanni was a "newb hunter". She would appear to new, low level players and tell them she knew of a great place to "grind" for levels. Once they were outside the "safe zone" her comrades, all PKers would descend upon their hapless victims. Since Arlanni never participated in the attack she remained "green" and therefore trustworthy to do so again. In return, they gave her a portion of the spoils. Thus she became quite wealthy and had far better items than her level than one would normally expect. Arlanni, since the announcement that circumstances in the game became dire, has actively avoided seeking out monsters and other players. At first she was just going to keep to herself until those in the game were rescued. A sound enough tactic... except, one still needed to eat or their character's hit points would start to drop. That meant food. It also wouldn't do, sleeping in alleys and getting her throat cut by a player killer in her sleep. Her solution to this was to stick mostly to thievery, robbing various NPCs and PCs of significantly lower level while avoiding players of a much higher level. After all, if one gets caught doing minor things like petty thieving, the most the city guard seemed to do was put you in a cell for the allotted time. As a result, in the same six months everyone else has been playing, Sara is a fair bit lower level. It also has changed her "Green" cursor color over to "Orange". What really bothers her most is the fact that, after discovering that she may have killed real people, she doesn't feel particularly bad about it. She isn't sure if it's because she didn't know at the time... or if she really isn't bothered by killing people. One thing is for certain, she doesn't want to die but at the same time... she's starting to think that nobody is coming to save them. If that's the case, maybe... just maybe killed people to go up in level so that she could take a shot at the final boss is tempting. Only... she doesn't believe that the final boss can be defeated and that this is all some sick joke on behalf of the game designer that hijacked the game.