“I saw that coming.” Connor snickered after watching Reece fail to pick up the giant cat that Connor wasn’t entirely convinced wasn’t some kind of bobcat subspecies or something. Or this is just what happens to cats in space. Which made zero sense, but he was a numbers and machine kind of guy; not Nigel Thornberry. “I’m calling it right now, that cat is the spawn of Satan.” Of course he hated cats ever since the ones that hoarder neighbor owned decided it was fun to jump down from the tree’s in front of their apartment building onto his back and scratch the hell out of him. He dragged his suspicious glare away from the cat and back to the petite blonde sitting in the chair. A hold over from Second Shift? That was strange, why was she a hold over? The only thing that came to his mind as to why she was still awake was she was pregnant. He sure as hell wasn’t going to ask that though. If he was wrong then he had basically called her fat and hurt her feelings. And after taking the tablet to study the schematics he certainly didn’t want to do that. He looked up at her in surprise after looking over the holographic image with a critical eye. “You aren’t part of the mining crew, but you made this?” He asked her, pointing to the hologram with his free hand. “Why?” Also if she wasn’t part of any of the crews then should she really be in this area? He’d leave that decision up to Reece and went back to the tablet to look it over again. “These are great.” He said to Pauline, looking back up to shoot her a grin. “I’m Connor Douglass, mechanic for this hangar.” He reached out to shake her smaller, softer hand in his larger, calloused and scarred one. “Nice to meet you Pauline.” He looked down at the cat again and narrowed his eyes. “You not so much. I’m going to hunt down some welding sleeves and a mask and your furry ass is out of my hangar.” Connor looked back up at Pauline and shrugged. “Sorry, but who know’s what could happen to it if we let it roam around. It could get into one of the pod engines and cause all kinds of problems. I’ve, uh, cleaned out cat from car engines before.” Connor grimaced and handed her the tablet back.