Oh, it's from Xionic Madness? I just saw "OMEGA" and thought it was a quote from the RvsB series, referencing the AI Omega. Anyways, gonna also use this post as a placeholder for the CS. [hider=Varren Yinyues] [center] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/i/2012/029/1/4/alice_madness_returns_oc_by_somanywordstosay-d4o1wtv.jpg[/IMG] 5'8"/114 lbs. [b]Name:[/b] Varren Yinyues [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Level:[/b] 24 [b]Screen name:[/b] Varren [b]Beta tester or first time:[/b] First Timer [b]Skills:[/b] [*]Tailoring - 464/1000[/*] [*]Awareness - 350/1000[/*] [*]Perception - 435/1000[/*] [*]Knife-throwing 221/1000[/*] [*]Two-handed Swords 546/1000[/*] [b]Known Skills:[/b] [b]«Flat Edge»[/b] - Derived from the «Parry» ability, gives off minor damage and temporarily stuns an enemy, [b]«Piercing Strike»[/b] - Increases critical hit chance by 50%, and enhances player's speed and maneuverability. [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/Estoque_1480_dC..jpg]Estoc - Perforation[/URL] - The Estoc was a sword used in the 14th to 17th centuries, it has an extremely thin body without any serrated edges, but instead had an extremely sharp point. The sword was wielded with two hands, meant to break the chinks of chainmail and plate armor. In game, it acts as the “middle-man” of the sword world, it didn’t have the speed of a rapier, nor the high damage of more common edged swords. It was the true median, it required finesse and had quite a bit of stopping power, along with being accurate. Since Varren’s stats are considerably balanced, the sword is a perfect match for him. [b]Equipment:[/b] [*][url=http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Category/medium/517.png]Chestplate[/URL][/*] - Wears this over his usual attire, which is a custom tailored cloak which resembles a sweater. He crafted the apparel himself. [*]43,000 col[/*] [*]Tends to carry enough food for two, usually common bread.[/*] [*]A few health potions[/*] [*]Two teleportation crystals[/*] [*]Needle and threads[/*] [*]His scarf of badassary[/*] [b]Guild:[/b] Solo [b]History:[/b] Varren began his time in the game thinking of it as a mere pastime, something to play to keep himself occupied. He planned to make relations with characters who he worked well with, and would later join a guild and be a good support player. Though, after the events of the First Day, that all changed. The boy found himself trapped inside an inescapable cage, the majority of the players felt the same form of dismay, and didn’t even want to fight. Though, the player persevered and carefully played the game, he learned the mechanics and how to stay alive on his own. Without a team to work with, the role of being a support was no longer a viable option, he trained and decided to play on the offensive. With a plethora of swords to choose from, he settled on a rarely wielded blade, an estoc. Though it was the median of the swords offered in the blade world, it had a notable disadvantage. The sword was wielded with two hands, relinquishing the ability to use a shield as defense. To account for this handicap, Varren has adapted to make quick piercing motions, and to keep a distance. With the estoc’s extended length, Yinyues has managed to survive in the world of Aincrad, though he has taken things at a slow rate and has only reached level 24, he personally finds it an acceptable level. He has no set goal, except to stay alive and help those in need. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [youtube]Y9u0JeF4oHs[/youtube] [/CENTER][/HIDER]