Ace tried her best not to jump at the sound of his voice. She should've been expecting it, but she was startled none the less. [b]"Hi there. You lost?"[/b] Ace turned to see a boy, probably as old as herself. He looked somewhat inconspicuous. You could trust most players in this world to not stab you in the back, but you still had to be cautious. The Laughing Coffin, a gang that encouraged player killing, was known for giving off the appearance of kind and helpful, but the moment you turned your back you found a knife severing your spine. This guy looked trustable enough. "No, I'm not lost. Just trying to find the boss, like all of us are. I expect that's what you are here for too," she lightly smoothed the words over to make herself seem confident, but not too arrogant. "I uh.." Ace's words were slow at forming in her mouth. "I could use a partner. No one knows exactly how powerful this boss is." Ace sighed, burying her pride under thick layers of survival instincts. She didn't want to tell this guy how much she knew about where the boss was. He could easily kill her and hop off to floor 17. A scream echoed through the halls. "Shit," Ace whispered under he breath. "Dunno about you, but I've gotta go." She ditched the guy and sprinted around the corner towards the scream. Even if it's a trap, no one needs to die anymore. No one.