"[b]Did you hear that?[/b]" The pair stopped in their tracks, having heard the scream from behind them. Apparently, they were in between the cocky solo player and a damsel in distress. The pair looked at one another for a moment. They didn't know what kind of person was ahead, but they did know the person behind them was in trouble. Maybe they had run into a trap; Artemis wouldn't be surprised if an ambush lay in wait for them. She suddenly felt very regretful that she brought Apollo along now. That regret came full blast when Apollo decided to run back, towards the scream. "[b]Wait![/b]" She called out after him (again) and she let out an irritated groan. It's not that she had never encountered PKers before, but if anything happened to her brother...She quickly shook that thought of and took off running after him. Apollo ran as fast as he could, his sister's quicker footsteps indicating that she was right behind him. It didn't sound too far off, so that much was good. As he turned the corner, he spotted the problem: a swarm of winged creatures had decided to make a young looking blue haired girl their next meal. Boy, there were sure a lot of them. Apollo stopped in his tracks for a moment, though Artemis ran right past him. As both the girl and the monsters got closer, Apollo braced himself for what was probably going to be a difficult fight. Artemis had the same thought, though she made sure she was going in with her sword ablaze. Said sword glowed its usual light blue, and once she was almost face to face with the girl, she side stepped and whirled around her, cutting down the first monster in sight.