Here's what I have so far, still a WIP. Apologies if he seems OP, but I wanted to go for a Guild Leader-type character from the beginning to help with how the RP evolves. Plus I don't plan on having him fight against any of you guys. I was thinking of declaring war against PKers. Predominantly Laughing Coffin, but also other Guilds who may have followed suit. It wouldn't be straight away, there'd obviously be a gradual build-up. But the declaration would come eventually. I plan to have him recruiting more members at the beginning to prepare for the inevitable war. Also, I don't plan on leveling him up at the same rate as everyone else, simply because he's already a high level and he needs far more experience. I guess that's my suggestion towards a Storyline. :P [hider=MezmeriSin] [center][IMG=][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Rin Kanesaka [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Level:[/b] 45 [b]Screen name:[/b] MezmeriSin AKA 'Mez' 'Venerable Lord of the Asylum' [b]Beta tester or first time:[/b] Beta Tester [b]Support Skills:[/b] Extended Weight Limit - [823] Sprint - [818] Strength - [724] Metal Equipment Repairing - [678] Equipment Appraisal - [550] [b]Combat Skills:[/b] Two-handed Straight Sword - [735] One-handed Straight Sword - [703] Leather Equipment - [542] Parry - [487] Battle Healing - [423] [b][u]Unique Skill[/u][/b] [i]Ghoul's Grin:[/i] This Unique Skill affects all weapons held by Mez. The effects of this skill will reduce the weight of the weapon by an extremely sufficient amount for him only. This means that he can swing a usually heavy Greatsword at incredible speeds yet it would still hit with the same amount of force if swung with its' normal weight. This also allows him much faster movement during battle since he won't have to worry about the weight of the weapon. [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=]Judgement[/url] - This Greatsword is the heaviest sword in the game. It is Ultra Rare Item and only obtainable by having the [i]Ghoul's Grin[/i] Unique Skill. To find this sword, players had to battle their way through a Level 40 sub-surface prison dungeon. After 15 levels of traps, bandits, ghosts and many other enemies, with the last 3 levels being Non-Crystal Areas, the sword could be found impaled into the ground at the center of a Boss room. After defeating the Boss, there was still no guarantee that you were going to attain the sword. When the dungeon was cleared, CARDINAL judged whether you would be suitable for the [i]Ghoul's Grin[/i] Unique Skill. This would be based on your Two-handed Straight Sword skill. The player with the highest skill level, as well as the highest natural affinity for Two-handed weapons, would be the only player who could attain the Unique Skill. If you were successful, you would receive the sword as an Ultra Rare drop as well as chest loot. If you weren't successful, you would just receive the loot. Mez carries this sword in its' sheath across the small of his back, at all times, with the handle pointing to his right. He can draw Judgement and wield it with just one hand, but has to fight with it using two. [url=]Retribution +3[/url] - This Sword is a player-made One-handed Sword. Mez received it as a gift from his close friend and Co-Leader of the Crimson Guardians, Rhan. [b]Equipment:[/b] - Leather Strapped Armour with Light Metal Plating - 117,954 Col [i](Personal Funds)[/i] - A Flask of Fresh Water [b]Guild:[/b] Crimson Guardians of the Asylum - Guild Leader [b]History:[/b] Having already played the Beta, Mez was extremely knowledgeable about early-game monster spawns and item drops. Instead of keeping the information to himself, however, he came together with other Beta Testers to help write the Free Player Guide that was put into circulation with the release of the game. One of the other Beta Testers, who went by the name Rhan, he became close friends with as they actively sought out newer players to assist. During a time where the general consensus of Beta Players was that they were all selfish and only playing for themselves, Mez and Rhan still risked their lives to help out. Over time, their efforts had become rather known and had even tempted other Beta Testers into helping out the newbs. People were eventually calling for Mez and Rhan to create their own Guild. Thus the Crimson Guardians of the Asylum was formed, reaching over 12 members on the first day alone, with both Mez and Rhan included. Over the course of the following months, these players became known as the Guardian Twelve. Six months into the game, and the Crimson Guardians are one of the most prominent Guilds around. Though they aren't recruiting as heavily as they were, it is still possible to join. Mez and the rest of the Guardian Twelve make it their priority to scour newly reached levels for valuable information such as monster spawns, item drops and quests. This information is then compiled and sold as Advanced Player Guides (3000 Col each). They also release the, less detailed, Free Player Guides which can be traded freely from any Information Broker. They work closely with Information Brokers for widespread distribution of their guides to ensure that the information gets to every player within SAO. More recently, Mez has been leading the Guild against PK-ing yet still maintaining a team on the front lines to help clear and to scout for information. [/hider]