Zenji looked at the girl when she asked about Kuei. She glanced at the Armadillo Bear moments before it was pointed out her. She smiled at the Zhou character, although she still stood by her first comment about him being 'jolly'. She snickered a little when he suggested they walk. She covered up her mouth quickly and gave him a small bow, "Excuse my laughter but... I don't think we can walk around the world having him learn bending... It would take far more time... And some air temples aren't places you wish to walk to... The hideout and places you can't really walk to..." She smiled at him then Masuto, "I... I can go to the island," she cleared her throat of the bubble growing in it, "See if there is an Air Bison.... My own was there.... She tends to go off at times I'm not there..... She... might have avoided the attack," she took a deep breath, calming herself, "I should find out for sure before I leave anyways...." ~~~~~~~~ Nyima looked at him and shrugged, "The Water Tribe likes to think the world is still strictly, Water, Fire, Earth... and I guess, Air. They don't prepare to fight too many waterbenders. And my brother can't help but have an admiration for waterbenders, I'm sure." She moved off the wall and followed him. She clapped their hands together as they walked, "One thing about Matsen.... He may or may not have been hitting on me again.... And I may or may not have accidently said that you and I may or may not be more than just friends.... It's been three years and I was getting really sick of it and he is... well... To put it bluntly, afraid of you," she scratched the back of her head, "It worked... if that means anything..." she looked up at him and gave him a shy smile, "Oops?" She sighed and dropped her hand, "Would mind keeping up the act?... I'm sure you are getting... a little sick of it. With earlier and the day before but it would really help me keep him off my back," she pleaded to him with her eyes, holding her hands together tightly, "Please?" She watched him a moment before adding, "And if you 'break up' with me in front of him to screw with me... I will cook you and eat you as a stew."