Tsking at Gippal's actions, Alex placed her index and thumb on each temple, hissing a little in pain as her head throbbed. She didn't notice, but her pendant of a Aeon glowed ever so slightly the deeper they went in. Growling at the other girl's reaction, Alex was about to yell at her but the raven headed wench ran off. Clenching her fists angrily, she glared at Gippal with a angry expression that meant 'What in the %^}%* spirits was going on?!' before she cursed under her breath and ran after the woman. Quickly catching up, she entered the chamber and glared at Sena. [b]"What in the fu--- gah!"[/b] Alex started before hissing as her head throbbed again. Still she ignored it as she cupped her face with her free hand, her blue eyes glaring between her fingers. [b]"Are you crazy or a idiot?!"[/b] She barked, not really realizing what was exactly wrong other than her body was starting to writhe in pain.