Shiva took her time reading the contract through. Even though she skipped the pieces she recognised as irrelevant or redundant, there was still plenty there. After about half a minute, she still felt a little self conscious holding up the rest of the meeting. It was her right and her obligation to look through it all, though. It was at least a tedious comfort to find that legalese wasn't too different on Pax from any other documents she had read. During the parts about non-disclosure, Shiva's mind was cast back to the two 10th eschelons that gave Shuo and herself orders in regards to it. She twisted her mouth and hoped that she wouldn't have to turn her back on this initiative at some point. This was the first squad in that she was actually getting along with, and the living conditions were much better. On the other hand, if she was caught betraying the Sovereignty, it would be just the excuse they needed to take her head. Nearing the end, Shiva sighed quietly about the payment clauses for her. The Sovereignty had of course stopped any chances of her earning credits, as predicted. Everything else was reasonable enough as far as she could see. Without any more reluctance, she pressed a thumb against the scanner to sign the contract.