[quote=AkiBlue] That would be a yes. [/quote] God dammit... I'll ~snip~ it. [hider=App][center][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/247/1/9/that_cape_from_the_ending_scene____by_kawacy-d7xzvtv.jpg[/img] [b][Male | 16 | Wanderer - Waterbender][/b][/center] [indent][b]Aiden Rose[/b] is a bright young waterbender born in the Earth Kingdom, a descendant of one of the benders who had fleed from the Southern Water Tribe before the benders there were wiped out. He’s a kind and respectful lad although he’s not as innocent as most people think. He’s always been cunning and incredibly intelligent, being quite manipulative when he wanted something badly. He was quite talented in waterbending as well from a young age, learning and mastering his ability. He can find it hard to be ruthless from time to time during battle but if he’s under great stress, he doesn’t think twice before trying to kill someone who he’s identified as an enemy himself. He has a special soft spot for his friends people close to him. Though he doesn’t really like the ideology of "revenge", it technically isn’t considered the same when he goes after you for hurting someone close to him. Don’t ask why, it just isn’t.[/indent] [b]Traits[/b] [indent]During his time walking around the Earth Kingdom going South, Aiden refined his acrobatic skills quite a bit. During combat, he uses both his physical prowess when needed and his rather impressive waterbending skills. However, even though he’s quite acrobatic and can carry his own weight perfectly well, he’s not what one would call "strong". The one thing that sets Aiden apart from most people is his intellect and ability to think analytically. In a tight spot, the boy can come up with well thought out plans that can get him and his friends through whatever situation they were stuck in. He also has a knack for chess.[/indent] [b]Relations[/b] [indent]Lana - Sister - Female - 21 Eddy - Brother - Male -13[/indent] [center][youtube]OQT2HVfxJu4[/youtube][/center] [u][b]History[/b][/u] [indent]Aiden lived in the Earth Kingdom for quite some time, it having been the closest place for his grandparents to flee when the benders in the Southern tribe were killed. He has always passed as a regular citizen without any bending for some time. Not having any papers to show his identity, Aiden and his family mostly travelled on foot. Of course, his family being his older sister and younger brother. Let’s go back for a bit... Lana, the elder sister, "Eddy", the younger brother and finally Aiden used to live in an orphanage. How they got there is a rather short story. Their family wasn’t around long enough to raise them. They were identified as Southern Tribe Benders shortly after Eddy’s birth by the Phoenix Kingdom. While on the run, they left their children off at the orphanage quickly before getting caught. The kids lived there for a few years until Eddy reached the age of 7, although Aiden wasn’t glad that his baby brother was holding them back. When the time finally came, the three easily broke out of the place thanks to their sister who had found a special technique to subdue the owners of the orphanage. When they got out, they moved quickly so that the reports of the missing children wouldn’t reach where they went to hide. At the time Aiden was still 10 but he was the supplier of the trio. He was the one who tricked all of the men into either giving them food or secretly getting whatever they needed. As the years passed, Lana trained Eddy and Aiden more and more in waterbending, making them adept in control over the shape of the water. They spent most of their time either stealing or running from the authorities because they were caught red handed. Currently, Aiden is travelling through the Earth Kingdom, trying to find a member of The Rising to join their ranks in an effort to take down the Phoenix King, no longer satisfied by the life he was leading.[/indent] [b]Miscellaneous[/b] [indent]-Carries a pouch filled with water on his waist, saying that it’s better to be safe than sorry when one’s thirsty. -His speciality is making compressed waves capable of cutting through weak materials and shaping ice although he can still use more basic ways of bending with ease as well. He simply uses this technique more often. -Aiden’s biggest goal as a waterbender is to make glacier-level ice. -He usually wears a hood over his head when out in the open.[/indent][/hider]